The Education Association believes the decision came too quickly – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The children cheered when they got the news. This autumn, Moss municipality became the first municipality in the country to remove homework altogether, in all primary schools. – We think it came on a bit too soon, says Sigurd Schneider. After almost three months of homework-free school, the father of two is critical of the development. Sigurd Schneider is concerned about the children’s learning outcomes. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news – I am most worried about the repetition subjects, such as mathematics and languages. The family has now decided to give the children tasks on their own at home. – We can borrow books in maths and English. There are books that they really should have had, but which they no longer have. Many think like Schneider. Several parents have contacted teachers in Moss and asked if it is possible to buy teaching materials, the Education Association tells news. – Greater responsibility Tommy André Christensen, leader of the Education Association in Moss, believes that teachers have lost room for action. Now they cannot ask students to do homework, they can only encourage them to work at home. The father of two believes it is difficult for the children to take responsibility themselves. – We know that the children can ask for extra tasks, but it is difficult to ask them for it without it coming from us, says Schneider. The leader of the Education Association in Moss, Tommy André Christensen, is critical of the way the political decision was implemented. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news He receives support from the Swedish Education Association, which believes that the political decision places greater demands on parents. – Parents have been given greater responsibility for following up on their children. Homework researcher sees several benefits – The research shows that the time the student spends on school work at home does not necessarily give more results, says homework researcher Kjersti E. Lien Holte at Østfold University College. Homework researcher, Kjersti E. Lien Holte, believes there are many positives with a homework-free school. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news The researcher believes there are several advantages to homework-free school. Among other things, she points out that it frees up more time to do other things. – There are 161 studies that show that homework has little or no effect on learning. She also believes that a homework-free school can help to equalize differences, in that all students will receive professional help at school. That effect has not been seen in Moss, says the Education Association. – You don’t see the social equalization that the politicians ordered, says Christensen. More demanding The mayor of Moss, Hanne Tollerud (Ap), believes it is too early to draw conclusions. – Homework-free school was introduced from mid-August. It’s been quite a while. The mayor of Moss municipality believes it is too early to conclude how homework-free schools work. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news She still believes that the measure will help to equalize differences. The father of the family is not so sure of that. – We will probably run a separate scheme on the side, says Schneider. He feels that it is now more demanding to follow up on the children’s everyday school life. However, the mayor is confident that the schools will sort things out. – I am sure that they will find individual solutions that suit the children. Hi Do you have any tips or ideas for me? Please send me an email.
