The dispute between Fox News and Trump could be decisive – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– Shall I take a picture for you, asks a friendly, tall man. He sees me standing on my tiptoes and trying to lift the phone above the cluster of people to catch the face of the man in the black shirt. I can just make out his slightly unkempt gray mane and ruddy face in the crowd of eager fans and journalists. I was present when Trump spoke at CPAC. It must have been one of the longest speeches he has ever given. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news The man tries to get to a podcast studio that has been set up on a small stage. The War Room, says a banner behind the microphone. A few minutes ago, the man was standing on the huge stage in the hall directly behind us. We are at the CPAC conference, usually one of the most important annual meeting places for Republicans in the United States. Today it is quite quiet in the hall, but those who have come clapped and shouted enthusiastically when the man in the black shirt gave a fiery speech. – The storm is here, he shouted. The most dangerous time in world history since the late 1930s. Our elites have led us here. The unknown photographer news’s ​​correspondent asked for help came back with this photo. Sentenced to prison The man’s name is Steve Bannon. And the reason I tried to picture him is because he seemed to be among the most popular people at this CPAC conference this year. Steve Bannon was Donald Trump’s strategic advisor in the first period in the White House. Last year he was sentenced to four months in prison because he refused to testify in the hearings about the storming of Congress. He has appealed the sentence. While he waits for the appeal case, media man Bannon is as active as ever. Among other things with his podcast. Steve Bannon may be headed to prison, but his fight against the US state apparatus continues. Photo: NATHAN HOWARD / Reuters Rescuer Trump Bannon believes he is in the middle of a war, and it is not the one in Ukraine. The war he is fighting is against bureaucrats and ordinary politicians in Washington. Those he calls “the deep state”. He believes that the US has been taken over by conspiratorial elites who protect each other, and that Donald Trump tried to save the US from them, and should be given another chance. The major media in this country are certainly part of these elites. And that also applies to America’s largest cable TV channel, Fox News. Despite the fact that Fox News has been the right-wing’s biggest media house ever since the 1990s. But now Steve Bannon has just lashed out at them from the stage. Bitter on Fox News – Until November 3, 2020, we had four years of peace and progress in this country, he said. Until Fox News falsely said that the opposition, and not Donald Trump, had won the election. Donald Trump Jr. and Steve Bannon. Photo: Jose Luis Magana / AP Our nation has never recovered after they said that, he shouts. Bannon accuses 91-year-old media billionaire Rupert Murdoch of trying to undermine Donald Trump. – We will fight against you Murdoch, because Donald Trump will win the nomination and the presidential election, and you will not have a TV company anymore! The Fox people didn’t come Since Bannon said this a week ago, the relationship between Trump’s supporters and Fox News has gotten even worse. At CPAC last weekend, Fox News was not to be seen with its own studio as they usually are. Tucker Carlsson, Sean Hannity and other profiles have used to broadcast live alongside smaller right-leaning broadcasters such as Newsmax and One America News Network. Tucker Carlson, who is Fox News’ most popular host, was not present at CPAC at all. Tucker Carlsson is Fox News’ hardest-hitting talk show host. But many around Trump have reason to be upset now. Photo: JASON KOERNER / AFP But this week he has instead been seen on the front pages here. Some leaked text messages have caused a stir. In prime time every night, Tucker Carlson sits on his talk show and delivers what often sounds like a defense speech for Donald Trump. This week, for example, he showed video from the storming of Congress on the show and claimed that it was far more peaceful for him than what has previously come to light. The storming of Congress made Fox News reluctant to invite Donald Trump Photo: John Minchillo / AP In the past, Carlson has also helped fuel Trump’s claims that there was election fraud in 2020. Among other things, the spicy text messages Fox News has spread baseless claims that a company that makes voting machines has cheated. The company Dominion Voting Systems has sued Fox News for defamation. On Monday, papers from this trial were made public. And this is where the text messages come in. The papers contained text messages Tucker Carlson sent in 2020 and 2021 while on his TV show talking warmly about Trump. That’s what Carlson wrote in an SMS to his producer in January 2021, just two days before Congress was stormed. It was Trump he wrote about. And he continued: – We can soon ignore Trump most evenings. I’m really looking forward to that. Commentator or actor? It seems that Carlsson means something completely different in private than what he says on his show. Several other Fox profiles have also written similar messages. They give the impression that the presenters on the channel’s most important broadcasts act more like actors than sincere commentators. Just after the 2020 presidential election, Tucker Carlson is said to have written this about Trump: “What he’s really good at is destroying things. He is a world champion at it. He can easily destroy us if we play this game wrong”. Is Fox News playing a game to maintain ratings and support from the right? According to Steve Bannon, they do, and after the election in 2020 they simply switched sides on the game board, he believes. Losing viewers Other Republicans do not agree, because even though it has been many months since Donald Trump was a guest on Fox, they are still interviewing Florida Governor Ron De Santis and other of Trump’s potential challengers in the nomination battle. Fox has lost viewers since the 2020 election: They have also received a lot of criticism, and have thus been sued for spreading lies about electoral fraud. Now we are all eagerly watching what will happen next with the media actor who has played a key role in American politics since the 1990s. One hour and 47 minutes I never reached out to Steve Bannon to ask what he thinks Rupert Murdoch and Fox News should do. But from the podium he had a resoundingly clear answer. – Donald Trump leads the most powerful political movement in American history. Now we need to hear his voice on Fox News. Donald Trump speaks at the conservatives’ conference CPAC. Photo: EVELYN HOCKSTEIN / Reuters The next day we heard the voice of Donald Trump at the CPAC conference for the whole of 1 hour and 47 minutes. That was how long his speech was. And Fox News at least aired parts of it live.
