The Directorate of Health is following this corona variant extra closely on – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– There will be several hundred hospitalizations and a few hundred deaths from corona this winter, says senior physician Preben Aavitsland at the Institute of Public Health (FHI) to NTB. He emphasizes that the older generation in particular is at risk. According to Aavitsland, those who die of corona are now mainly older than their 80s and 90s, some of whom are nursing home residents. Assistant director of health in the Norwegian Directorate of Health, Espen Rostrup Nakstad, tells news that they see signs of an increasing trend when it comes to corona admissions, but that it is still a fairly calm situation. Assistant director of health Espen Rostrup Nakstad. Photo: Javad Parsa / Javad Parsa Nakstad says that this summer there have been almost a hundred people admitted to hospital with covid. He clarifies that less than half of them are hospitalized because of covid. The number has now increased to around 200 hospitalized per week, but still only a quarter are hospitalized due to the virus. According to Nakstad, almost no one is in the intensive care unit. – So far, the numbers are peaceful, but we clearly see an increase, says Nakstad, who also adds that it is only natural now that we are heading into autumn. Aavitsland in FHI tells NTB that a somewhat slow increase in the epidemic beyond the autumn is expected, and that there will probably be a new wave in the winter. Seems to dominate According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are no dominant corona variants in the world right now. Nevertheless, both Aavitsland and Nakstad point to the variants EG. 5 and the highly mutated BA. 2.86. The latter has been proven in eleven countries. Senior doctor Preben Aavitsland at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB Both FHI and the Directorate of Health are less concerned about the BA 2.86 variant, which they both point out has only been seen in waste water. – The one that right now seems to be starting to dominate in Norway is the variant called EG. 5, which is an omicron variant. It appears to be highly contagious. We don’t know if it is the newest variant, or if it will vary this winter, but because it changes a lot, we keep an extra eye on it, says Nakstad to news. Aavitsland also believes EG. 5 will dominate the autumn. Recommends refresher dose Nakstad recommends the population to follow the advice given for autumn and winter. He reminds that people over the age of 65, as well as vulnerable people in the risk group, should take a booster dose of the corona vaccine. He also says that people should stay home from work and school if they feel ill, regardless of whether it is corona, flu or other things. Currently, only people over 65 and those with underlying illnesses are recommended to be tested for corona, if they have symptoms. – No cause for concern WHO warned on Wednesday against what they describe as “worrying trends for covid-19” ahead of the winter season. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has urged countries to offer vaccines to the population and to pay extra attention to how the virus spreads in society. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Photo: FABRICE COFFRINI / AFP But despite the WHO chief’s warning, Aavitsland does not believe there is reason to sound the alarm in Norway just yet, writes NTB. – No, there is no cause for concern, he says and adds: – We will all be infected several times in our lives, but few will become seriously ill. Those who are particularly vulnerable to serious illness are the elderly and frail. They may receive booster doses of vaccination to reduce their risk.
