The deceased’s family made contact in 2019 – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

At the weekend it became known that a Norwegian man in his 50s has been charged with desecration of a corpse, after his former partner was found dismembered in a freezer on the farm they lived on in Värmland in Sweden. Swedish police believe the woman was placed in the freezer sometime after September 2018. A relative of the deceased woman in her 60s told news at the weekend that close family were very worried about the woman. Therefore, in the summer of 2019, the family went to the house in Sweden to find out what had happened. The accused man is said to have told that the roommate was on a walk with the dog, the relative told news. Now Swedish police confirm that the family made contact already in 2019. – There was never a formal police report, but the family was still uneasy and therefore contacted the Swedish police, says Per-Olav Forsman at the police department for serious crimes in Karlstad to SVT. These surveillance images from 2017 show the accused Norwegian at the local Ica store in Årjäng. Photo: The police The case was closed Forsman says that some control information was collected instead, before the case was closed. At the same time, Forsman says that the relatives’ unrest will be the subject of upcoming interrogations. – It is about some relatives who are to be questioned now, and then of course we will also bring up that they made contact already in 2019, says Forsman. When the family of the deceased woman went to the remote farm in Värmland, neighbors said they had not seen the woman for a year. – We then realized that something must be wrong, the relative told news at the weekend. The Norwegian, who is accused of killing his partner and keeping her in a freezer for several years, admitted in a prison meeting to having embalmed his partner. The man denies having killed the woman. – There is insufficient evidence that he has committed a murder, it’s as simple as that, said the man’s defender Stefan Liliebäck at the weekend. Convicted several times in the past The National Register of Citizens shows that the man and woman accused of murder emigrated from Norway to Sweden in the autumn of 2009. The accused man in his 50s has an extensive criminal history, according to judges news has had access to. The most serious sentence was handed down in the 90s, and concerns two rapes and an attempted rape. In connection with the rape cases, the man was examined by psychiatrists. They concluded that, among other things, he had permanently impaired mental abilities. The court, like the experts, believed that the defendant, because of his condition, would pose a particular risk of repeating similar criminal offences. Tip news’s ​​crime group: Do you have information about this case or other crime cases? Contact news’s ​​crime group. You can tip us off by e-mail or through news’s ​​encrypted notification service. Here you can tip us anonymously. We also treat all tips confidentially, in line with the Vær varsom poster’s rules on source protection.
