The deadline will soon expire – here are the experts’ advice for choosing the right education – news Trøndelag

– I’m a bit unsure, but I just have to try something and see if it turns out right. That’s what Eirin Krogstad, a student at Gauldal secondary school in Trøndelag, says. She thinks she wants to study nursing. – I know roughly what area I want and that is to work with people. But what will be inside it – it is a bit difficult to find out. There is a lot to choose from. In contrast to Eirin, fellow student Siri Krogstad is confident in her choice. She has applied to nursing. – I have been determined on this for quite a long time, so for me it was quite easy, says Siri. Siri is sure of the educational choice she is making, Eirin is unsure whether she is making the right choice and Esten is going to the defense before he starts studying. Photo: Jøte Toftaker / news Classmate Esten Bakken has applied for civil engineering, but will join the defense in January. If he enters, he must apply for expulsion. He has tried to have several thoughts in his head when he has decided on studies. – The most important thing for me is interest. That it is something you are passionate about and can continue with for many years. But of course salary and job opportunities are also important. But what is actually a good choice that will get you a job in the future? Three good choices for the future – When you are going to choose higher education, it is important that you master it and that you are motivated for it, says head of competence and innovation at NHO, Rebekka Borsch. But when there are several things that interest you, it might be a good idea to look at what skills are in demand now and in the future. And here the director of the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, Sveinung Skule, points to three professions: – It is the health profession, they will be needed. Those who know data and ICT, they will be needed. And those who are engineers and work with technology will be needed. There is also a need for this type of expertise among the companies in NHO. – There is a great need among companies for people with higher education. And what they ask for in particular are people with green or digital skills. Green and digital competence, Borsch explains, means engineers, IT competence, science, technical competence from vocational school and from craft subjects. But no matter what choice you make before the deadline, you don’t need to stress, they point out. – Lower your shoulders The choice you make now must not be final, points out Skule, who himself has changed direction in his education. Sveinung school says there is every reason to shrug: – The choice you make now on Saturday, you can change it completely up until 1 July. Photo: Nadir Alam / news – If you start a course and find out that it is wrong, you can choose again and start another course next year, he says. And this is exactly what Eirin does, if she finds out that foster care was not the right course of study for her. – There is a lot to choose from, so it is a difficult choice, but you just have to try to think that it is okay to change your mind, she says. And if you haven’t made up your mind yet, you have until 1 July to decide the order of study you have applied for. If you need help now in the rush, you can find information at and free guidance at
