The Danish entertainment program Toppen af ​​poppen receives criticism for its sexualized environment – news Culture and entertainment

Several Danish musicians took part in the new documentary for Danmarks Radio about sexism in the media industry. One of the programs that receives criticism is “Toppen af ​​poppen”, where musicians gather around the table on a farm to honor each other and talk about things they have experienced throughout their careers. In the documentary, several of the female artists talk about unwanted experiences during the recording of the programme. Especially from one of the musicians in the band, writes Ekstra Bladet. Reacted to comments The artist Stine Bramsen participated in the 2015 season of the program. On one of the recording days, she had already changed into evening attire because the rehearsal was to take place late in the day. She was wearing a tight glittery dress, which she thought was very beautiful. But then everything was ruined by the comment of the unnamed musician. – I think he says something like: “That sat right over your ass! Then I get something nice to watch while we rehearse”, and I find that degrading and unpleasant. Mathilde Falch and Katinka Bjerregaard participated in the 2021 season. Mathilde Falch during the recording in 2021 Photo: Per Arnesen / Dansk TV 2 When Falch was going to perform for the first time, she could hear someone in the band talking to her in her ear. – He made outbursts, such as: “You have such a nice ass, and what a nice pair of leather trousers.” I can’t stop saying how lovely I think you look”. During a break, Bjerregaard passed the musician on his way into the venue where they are to perform. – Then he stuck his patent leather shoe under my dress, and then he looks at me and says: “Now I can look up”. Katinka Bjerregaard in “Toppen af ​​poppen” in the 2021 season. Photo: Per Arnesen / Dansk TV 2 Complain about the incidents Several of the artists who are in the 2021 season notified the production about the incidents during the recording. The production company said they would deal with it after the recording period was over, but the artists believe the complaints were not taken seriously, according to the documentary. It was not until 2023 that the production company Mastiff launched an investigation of 2021. – The investigation showed that the tone of the production was at times cross-border and part of a small-minded culture. We have corrected that, says the production company to Danmarks Radio. The male artist who made the comments also apologizes to the Danish broadcaster, and says he can understand that his use of language can seem offensive. – I would like to apologize without delay to the artists who have experienced that I have verbally created a border-crossing atmosphere. Then there are elements in the stories that I do not recognize. TV 2 will investigate It is Danish TV 2 that broadcasts “Toppen af ​​poppen”. They say they take the criticism that comes out in the documentary seriously, and want to investigate the matter, write the newspaper BT – We will go through what has come to light, and go through the whole process so that we can make sure that everything comes to light, says program director Dorthe Thirstrup. The channel also believes that the handling of the production company, as revealed in the documentary, seems to be lacking. – Mistakes have been made in the handling by the production company, and I am genuinely angry at the way the complaints from 2021 were followed up, says Thirstrup, who says she has had a long dialogue with Mastiff about this. Published 11.06.2024, at 09.54
