The customs agency has seized 135,000 pairs of fake Swims shoes – Latest news – news

15 September 2023 at 18:08 The customs agency has seized 135,000 pairs of fake Swims shoes 135,000 pairs of fake Swims shoes have come from China to the port of Oslo during the summer. The customs agency has now seized 20 containers. The customs agency has reported the matter to the police, they write in a press release. – Pirated goods may sound harmless to many. The reality is that piracy is a threat both to the individual and to business, to innovation and to honest workplaces, says director of customs Øystein Børmer. – We saw straight away that these were not our shoes. They have used our old logo. We also do not produce our goods in China, says office manager Tonje Espinoza in Swims Norway to VG. news / NTB
