The Crown Prince couple will not answer about the police conversation with Høiby – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit are ending their three-day county tour in Trøndelag today. Crown Princess Mette-Marit spoke about, among other things, role models in Midte Gauldal yesterday. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB The Crown Prince couple have visited four municipalities in Trøndelag, met people where they live, talked to local youth and talked about inclusion and cohesion. At the same time, the headlines have been characterized by the audio recordings from the Oslo police’s meeting with Marius Borg Høiby, which has attracted attention. When the crown prince couple were asked about the police’s concern that Marius Borg Høiby was connected to criminal circles, they did not want to go into it. – We think that it is not natural or right for us to enter into the matter. So we are not going to say anything more about the questions you mention there, says Crown Prince Haakon. – Out of consideration for those involved and us as a family, we do not wish to comment The Crown Prince couple were also asked about when they became aware that the police had had a preventive conversation with Høiby last year. – For the sake of everyone involved in this case, we do not wish to comment on it at this time. I hope you understand that. It is not said that we will not do so at a later date, but just as the situation is now, for the sake of all those involved and us as a family, we do not wish to comment at this time, says Crown Princess Mette – Marit. – I understand very well that you have many questions, that you are trying to do your job, but that is how it is now, and we ask for your forgiveness for that. About the fact that some people have criticized that the crown princess is so tight-lipped now, she says: – That criticism is fine with me. The police visited Høiby Oslo police district confirmed earlier this week that they had a preventive conversation with Høiby last year. Two police officers met Høiby at home in Skaugum, to talk to him about the environment they believe he hangs out with. – The police regularly hold preventive talks with individuals who may be/are in a criminal environment. The talks are an early preventive measure, said unit leader in the Oslo police district, Frode Larsen, to news. The police considered that it was appropriate to conduct such a conversation with Høiby, he says. – It was also deemed necessary because the police have an extended responsibility for the security of the royal house and members of the royal family, said Larsen. Larsen has confirmed that the deputy police chief was briefed ahead of the conversation. Admitted violence in cocaine intoxication The Crown Prince couple undertakes a county tour every year. This year’s journey comes at a time when there is a storm around the family. Last week, it became known that Marius Borg Høiby had a restraining order imposed on the offended woman in the case where Høiby is charged with bodily harm, damage and threats. In a public written statement, Høiby himself admitted to the use of violence in alcohol and cocaine intoxication. Then he also said that he has several mental disorders, and that he has struggled with substance abuse for a long time. Later, Høiby’s ex-girlfriends Julianne Snekkestad and Nora Haukland have come forward with their experiences in relation to Høiby. Both women have been offended in cases of violence in close relationships, but Høiby does not have status as the accused in these cases. Marius Borg Høiby participated with the rest of the family when little sister Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s 18th birthday was celebrated in 2022. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Published 12.09.2024, at 10.47
