The country’s largest right-wing party – Ap under 20 per cent – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The party strengthens its position as the clear largest party in the country. The progress is so strong that Høgre gets a support of 30.0 per cent. This is shown by a new party survey carried out by Norstat for news and Aftenposten. The measurement was taken from 9 to 14 August. 960 people were asked. All the changes are within the so-called margin of error, so one cannot say with certainty that the change among the voters is real. Source: Norstat for news and Aftenposten – Inspiring You have to go all the way back to January 2014, when support was 30.5 per cent, to find a better measurement for Høgre. The party has by far the greatest progress compared to the previous survey, with 3.3 percentage points. – Good opinion polls are inspiring for everyone in the party, especially those who will be working towards the local elections next year. They will probably welcome the measurement with great enthusiasm. But we must remember that we have to fight for the voters every day leading up to the election, says Høgre leader Erna Solberg. SATISFIED: Senior manager Erna Solberg is very satisfied with the new measurement. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB She is on tour in the country to raise awareness of the party’s policies. According to the survey, her party has a total of 132,000 voters from the governing parties Sp and Ap. – It’s pleasant. We felt that we lost some voters in the final phase of the election campaign last year to, among other things, the Center Party because they thought strategically about the center of gravity in the new government. So I hope I got them back, and others. The government back The poll is far less cheerful reading for the Labor Party, which is going backwards the most, compared to the previous poll. The drop of 2.4 percentage points gives a support of 19.4 per cent. news has never done such a weak poll for the Labor Party. Norstat has also never measured such a large distance between Høgre and the Labor Party. FELL: Ap has a support of 19.4 per cent in the new survey. – Too bad, says party secretary Kjersti Stenseng. Photo: Lars Nehru Sand / news – It is too bad a poll for the Labor Party. Of course, we have ambitions for other measurements than this. At the same time, it is such that there are tough times for people now, says Kjersti Stenseng, party secretary in Ap. – The fact that voters go to the opposition in troubled times and have sky-high expectations of those who govern is not very unusual, she adds. Neither government partner the Center Party can show a good poll. They have fallen 0.4 percentage points since the previous poll, to 5.9 percent support. It is their worst poll since December 2020. The party would lose more than half of its mandates in a general election today. HOPE FOR IMPROVEMENT: Center Party politician Geir Pollestad says the plan is to win the voters back again. Photo: Odin Omland / news – This measurement is not as good as we would like. We want the voters to be with us and our plan is to win them back again, says Geir Pollestad, parliamentary deputy leader of Sp. He believes that the reason why voters prefer Høgre is linked to the situation with high electricity prices and high fuel prices. – It is probably the case that Høgre wins by being able to sit quietly in the boat and watch as the rest of us struggle a bit to deal with the crises we are in. Civic majority Overall, the bourgeois parties are doing their best polling after the election in September 2021. will they manage even if KrF falls under the blocking limit for the third poll in a row, while going back from the last poll to the support they got at the election. If there were an election tomorrow, Høgre, Frp, KrF and Venstre would together get 52.9 percent of the votes and a majority with 91 out of 169 mandates. The Progress Party advanced 1.4 percentage points to 14.4 percent support. You have to go back to February 2020 to find a better measurement for the party. MOTIVATED: FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug says that good measurements motivate. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB Party leader Sylvi Listhaug takes the recent survey as a signal from the voters that the party takes seriously the many people and businesses struggling with price increases. – It is very nice when the measurements go up, and it motivates us to keep going. – I think many people see that for a long, long time we have been fighting to take back control over power exports, get a maximum price for electricity, remove fuel taxes and halve the VAT on food, she says. SV, MDG and Raudt fram The Government, for its part, seems to be struggling to maintain the trust it received from voters at the election. Their overall support is at its lowest level in this government period. If there had been an election now in August, the Labor Party and the Center Party would have gone from 76 to 49 mandates in the Storting. Even if SV and Raudt do better now than they did at the election, the entire red-green side, with MDG, would still only get 78 of the 85 mandates needed to have a majority in the Storting.
