The corona epidemic may have slowed the spread. Ingrid Kruse Fevåg has long covid and fears getting infected – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

While most people have long since packed away light blue masks and hand sanitizer, Ingrid Kruse Fevåg in Molde still lives in fear of corona infection. – I am very afraid of getting infected. The tears almost come. It could be that I will be bedridden again, says the 42-year-old. Her life changed completely after she contracted covid-19 in February 2022. – I was one of many who was happy to get infected and just be done with it, says Fevåg. But she became as ill as she had never been before with breathing difficulties, intense headaches and exhaustion. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s (FHI) weekly report on covid-19 shows that the boom may have slowed down. But more people still get sick and hospitalized with corona, even if fewer get tested. Increase in hospitalizations and sick Before Easter, FHI reported that the corona pandemic was increasing and that the number of hospitalizations had more than doubled in five weeks. More people are still being infected, but no longer as quickly. Now FHI is wondering whether the Easter holiday may have led to less infection, or whether it is under-reporting that is the cause of the slowdown. – The measurement last week (week 14) shows a decrease, but data from this week (Easter week) must be interpreted cautiously, the report states. Here it also emerges that the number of patients admitted to the intensive care units with corona is stably low, but that there has been a slight increase in covid-19-associated deaths. Subject director Preben Aavitsland at FHI. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder – We are in a spring wave now, but it is much smaller than the waves we had last winter, last summer and last spring. It is as expected, says department director Preben Aavitsland. He says this is natural as long as almost everyone has been infected, and most have been vaccinated. At the same time, he urges everyone over the age of 75 to take a new dose of vaccine now in April. Want fewer relatives admitted to hospitals Britt Rakvåg Roald says that relatives should avoid visiting hospitals in Molde and Kristiansund if it is not necessary. Photo: Roar Strøm / news In the report before Easter, hospitals and municipalities were notified that more patients will probably have to be admitted as a result of the corona. At the same time, there is reason to believe that the flu epidemic may still last a few more weeks. Both the hospital in Molde and in Kristiansund have noticed this increase. Bedside posts are now so under pressure that the health authority has asked relatives to avoid visits if it is not absolutely necessary. – It is a demanding situation, but it is not just about corona patients. People are also sick from other infections. The challenge is that all of these must be isolated from other patients because it is contagious, says clinic manager Britt Rakvåg Roald. You should preferably not visit here if you don’t have to. Photo: Tore Ellingseter / news In the emergency room with chest pain At home with Ingrid Kruse Fevåg, there aren’t many guests in the bright flat in Molde either. The 42-year-old has minimal visits to veins. At the store, she wears a mask and avoids times with many customers. – When I found out that there was a flourishing of infection here, my daughter had to stay with her father, so that I would avoid getting infected, says Fevåg. The 42-year-old got back on his feet after contracting the corona virus last year, and functioned well for half a year. But in September 2022 she got tremors, chest pains and breathing difficulties. She was sent straight to the emergency room, but all examinations and tests were normal. For months she has struggled with exhaustion, migraines and poor memory. Now she has been diagnosed with chronic covid. This is how the days often go for Ingrid Kruse Fevåg while she is ill. Now she wants to return to working life. Photo: Roar Strøm / news Wants to return to work The 42-year-old still sees light at the end of the tunnel. In recent weeks she has gained more energy and has even been on a ski trip. Now she dreams of returning to work and hopes that she can start small before too long. She is also a local politician for Høgre and looks forward to participating in the election campaign. – I miss my old life. I want to have my life back and be part of and contribute to society, says Fevåg.
