The cornerstone company behind the iconic Luxo L-1 lamp flies from Grue to Poland – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Glamox in Grue is moving the production of the iconic Luxo lamp to Poland, and 51 employees will lose their jobs. The decision was taken due to excess capacity in the group’s production network and changed market conditions. Trade union representative for Fellesforbundet, Randi Paulsrud, expresses concern that it may be difficult for the employees to find new jobs in the area. Unemployment in Grue municipality has fallen steadily since January this year, but mayor Rune Grenberg believes that the loss of 50 jobs will be felt. Luxo lamp, also known as L-1, is known from Pixar films and is one of the most copied Norwegian lamps. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. If you didn’t have the lamp at home growing up, you’ve probably seen it on the big screen. You know, the bouncy table lamp that jumps away and squeezes itself on top of the i in the PIXAR logo at the front of every animated film the company shows. “Luxo Jr.”, made in 1986, was the animation studio Pixar’s first short film. There are two lamps playing with a ball. It was nominated for an Oscar in the category of best animated short. Photo: Pixar/Glamox In the tiny village of Kirkenær in Grue in Inlandet, they have produced no less than five to six million of Luxo’s iconic desk lamp. Soon it will be over. The iconic Luxo lamp L-1, originally called 1001, is perhaps one of the most copied of the Norwegian lamps, and is considered iconic. 51 lose their jobs: – Shock and disbelief It was last week that the 51 employees at Glamox in Grue received the disheartening message: All production at the cornerstone company is being flagged off. In less than a year, the L-1 and other lamps will be produced in Poland. Engineer Vegard Åslie, product engineer Gunnar Øxseth and production worker Randi Paulsrud have worked at Glamox in Grue for 29, 38 and 17 years respectively. Photo: Jenny Marie Sveen / news According to Randi Paulsrud, union representative for the Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions, the news was received with disbelief among the employees. – People didn’t quite understand what the message was about. Paulsrud says she doubts that it will be easy to find new jobs in the area. – Some will probably manage it quite quickly. But there will be many of us who will be doing the same thing, and who will have to fight for the jobs that are available. So it will be enough to move out of the district for many. The production of the L-1 was for a period outsourced to Italy, then China. But last year Grue managed to bring the production home. The joy was short-lived. Photo: Jenny Marie Sveen / news Glamox AS is a group owned by the investor funds Triton and Fondsavanse. In a press release, the flagging is explained by the fact that several acquisitions in recent years have led to excess capacity in the group’s production network, in addition to changed market conditions. – These types of decisions are demanding, but we have to adapt the business so that we safeguard our competitiveness, said Astrid Simonsen Joos, CEO of Glamox when the flagging became known. Lamps have been installed in Kirkenær since the 70s. An era will soon be over.VIDEO: JENNY MARIE SVEEN/news Long-term employees Paulsrud, who himself has worked at Glamox for 17 years, tells of a loyal workforce. As engineer Vegard Åsli, who celebrates his 30th anniversary next year. He believes the process has gone far too quickly. Glamox Glamox AS is a leading lighting company that supplies lighting to professional buildings in Europe and to the world’s marine, offshore and wind markets. Glamox AS has its head office in Oslo, is privately owned by Triton and Fondsavanse and is a subsidiary of GLX Holding AS. Glamox AS employs around 2,100 employees with sales and production in Europe, Asia and North America. In 2023, the annual turnover was NOK 4.2 billion. Glamox owns a number of quality brands including Glamox, Aqua Signal, ES-SYSTEM, Küttel, LINKSrechts, LiteIP, Luminell, Luxo, Luxonic, Norselight and Wasco. Source: Glamox – It was a quick process. That is the objectionable part of the whole case, I think. – What is it like to lose your job after 30 years? – You don’t understand it until you stand in it yourself. It’s scary, but the reality dawns on you eventually. Then you get the hang of it, and then you just have to start thinking ahead. – How far ahead have you been able to think? – I know my future here now. I’ll probably be one of those who joins in the end, probably. As long as nothing interesting appears on the job market, then. The municipality owns the factory building, which will be empty in a year’s time. Mayor Rune Grenberg (Ap) says that they will now try to fill the building with new business. – Perhaps it can be a business that can offer new jobs to those who are outside. Photo: Jenny Marie Sveen / news Communications Manager Nina Hol tells news that the company understands that the closure is difficult for the employees: – We believe it has been a thorough process, and we are doing what we can to support our employees in this difficult the process. The company offers the employees, among other things, career guidance. Mayor: – Not good for the outside world According to Nav, unemployment in Grue municipality has fallen steadily since January this year, from 2.7 to 2.1 per cent in May. But the fact that 50 jobs will soon disappear in the municipality will be felt, says mayor Rune Grenberg (Ap). – We are already in an area with a large outsider. We need all the jobs we can get, and their disappearance has its consequences. – When so many people lose their jobs in a small community, there will be social consequences, says mayor Rune Grenberg (Ap). Photo: Arne Sørenes / news He further says that he has faith in the employees, who he says have a reputation for being good. – I don’t think they will remain vacant for long in this market, and I know some have already received inquiries. So I hope and believe they will move on to work elsewhere as soon as possible. – You are optimistic, after all? – When some doors close, they also open others. But this is not a day to cultivate optimism. It is simply boring, and most of all for those who lose their jobs. There has been lamp production in Grue since the 70s. Next year, the lamp adventure is over. Photo: Jenny Marie Sveen / Jenny Marie Sveen – Bitter And product engineer Gunnar Røxseth thinks it is bitter that the iconic lamp from Luxo, which is also on display at the National Museum, will soon be assembled by Polish hands. – It is no longer Norwegian when it goes to Poland. They will probably get it too, but it is bitter that it continues, he says. In May 2025, the lights at the factory in Grue will be switched off. – How will you keep your motivation up when you know you have to leave the workplace? – You probably won’t be 100 per cent motivated to give your maximum. You won’t be. But we will do the best we can, and we will deliver in style. We will. Published 22.06.2024, at 10.28
