The Consumer Council demands cheaper petrol after the drop in oil prices – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Oil prices have fallen recently. North Sea oil costs 93 dollars on Wednesday evening, and has not been cheaper since before the Ukraine war started in February. Refined oil is turned into diesel and petrol, which Norwegians have paid dearly to fill up the tank with recently. On Tuesday, fuel cost down to NOK 19, but although oil prices have continued to fall, petrol and diesel prices have increased by several NOK again and cost NOK 25 again in the middle of the week, according to the Fuel App. Now the petrol price should be lower, the Consumer Council believes. – We expect the petrol station chains to lower the price immediately, says specialist director Olav Kasland at the Consumer Council to news. Rapid price jump in March He is surprised that the price for a liter of petrol can be NOK 25 on Wednesday, the same as the stations charged when the oil price skyrocketed to 130 dollars a barrel in March. Back then, it only took a day from the oil price jump after the US banned Russian oil until Norwegians had to pay NOK 25 a liter for petrol. Kasland believes the chains should have been just as quick to reduce the petrol price now, as they were when the price went up in February and March. – They raise the price of petrol immediately when the price of oil rises. Then we expect them to lower the petrol price immediately when the oil price drops, says Kasland. – Competitive price St1, which owns and operates Shell’s petrol stations, says that prices have dropped a lot since the peak in June. – We also relate to the refinery price of finished refined product, which is not only regulated by the oil price, but the oil price is part of the factor, says communications manager Lillian Aasheim. – We relate to the reality that is there, and we work hard every day for a competitive price. We work very hard for our customers. Circle K says they have no opportunity to respond to the Consumer Council’s criticism on Thursday evening. On Thursday evening, the price was lowered again in the Oslo area.
