The color analysis from the 80s is back – tips abound on social media – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary The color analysis, a trend from the 80s, has had a resurgence and is influencing how people dress. The color analysis helps people become more aware of what colors suit them best when shopping for clothes. Social media has helped to spread the trend, and there has been an increase in younger customers who want a color analysis. The color analysis is carried out by assessing the customer’s skin tone, hair and eye colour, and then draping different colors to find the ones that suit best. Although the color analysis can provide guidance, experts believe that it should not defy personal style and that it is not sustainable to replace the entire wardrobe based on the analysis. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – You become more aware when you shop, says Rebecca Bigseth (25). She has invested in a professional color analysis, and it has been proven that she is a bright summer. Then she fits in light pastel colors such as baby pink and lavender. But what does that mean? This is color analysis: By carefully analyzing the color of your skin, eyes and hair, you can find out which “season” you are. There are four color seasons: spring, summer, autumn or winter. In addition, it is divided into three undertones: Light, neutral and warm. Source: Social media is full of tips on how people can and should dress, put on make-up and use accessories according to what kind of “season” they are. Bigseth believes that she was not influenced by social media when she invested in a color analysis, but that the idea came from her mother having done it in the 80s. Rebecca Bigseth (25) is a bright summer. Fortunately, she had a lot of the right clothes in her wardrobe from before, when she took a color analysis. Photo: Linnea Berg Thorkildsen / news The 25-year-old says that she is now more aware of what she takes with her when she is shopping for clothes. – In the beginning, I used to carry this color fan with me and kept it to the clothes. – But I saw it more gradually, so now I don’t have it in my bag anymore, she says with a smile. It’s not just about finding out what kind of season you are. Image Stylist Veronika Bamberg has many color charts that she uses and gives out to clients after analysis. Photo: Linnea Berg Thorkildsen / news Bigseth had not made completely wrong judgments when shopping before, and “got away” with changing his entire wardrobe. – I was lucky there. I had a lot of the right colors from before. I am very fond of light pastel colors and had a lot of light pink clothes in my closet before. Was popular among housewives Fashion journalist Marianne Jemtegård makes a podcast about the topic and says that color analysis was once big among housewives. – They didn’t just have tupperware parties, they also had color analysis parties where they could find their season. Fashion journalist Marianne Jemtegård believes that color analysis is used differently today than in the 80s. Photo: Kaja Figenschou Jemtegård believes that the “old” color analysis could become limiting for many. – In that connection, there were many frustrated women who suddenly had to reorganize large parts of their wardrobe, and not least perhaps had to get rid of many of their favorite garments. Used differently today But the fashion journalist feels that people use the analysis a little differently today. – People are much better at picking out what is right for them. And then the relaunched color analysis will be quite exciting again. With all the help available in social media, you can find many good tips. The videos on Tiktok and Instagram have millions of views. – You get more tools just to bring out the blue in your eyes, or make your skin glow a little extra because you choose that sweater. You can be all the seasons of the year, plus a little more, if you want to get down to business. Photo: Linnea Berg Thorkildsen / news What season are you? Photo: Linnea Berg Thorkildsen / news Veronica Bamberg uses, among other things, fabric drapes to do a color analysis. Photo: Linnea Berg Thorkildsen / news Have you done a color analysis?🎨 Yes, I did in the 80s💃 Yes, I’ve read up on social media!🤓 No, I don’t care about that. I use what I feel 🤷‍♀️ Yes, I have done a professional analysis🙋‍♀️ Show result Declining average age Veronica Bamberg has been carrying out color analyzes in Trondheim for the past three years. She says that she has clients ranging from two-year-olds to 85-year-olds, both men and women. But she has noticed an increase in younger customers over the past year. Image Styler Veronica Bamberg has noticed a significant increase in the number of young people who want to do a color analysis. Photo: Linnea Berg Thorkildsen / news – Due to social media, there has been an increase in younger guests who come to me. And then the average age has dropped to around 18–25 years, says Bamberg. Doing a color analysis is not done in a hurry, we are to believe Bamberg. First is a needs analysis. – I talk a bit about what they enjoy doing. What the color history of their hair is like. Looking at their eyes, lips, hair, skin tone. Rebecca Bigseth (25) during the color analysis at Veronica Bamberg. Photo: Private – And then we proceed to find out whether they are primarily warm or cold pigmented, whether they have a yellow or a blue undertone in their skin. – And then straight to the point with dandering and draping of textiles, to find out what are the very best shades and colors for them, says the Image Stylist. Dagens’ presenter, Anniken Sande, received a quick analysis from Image Stylist, Veronica Bamberg in the toilet at news. Photo: Linnea Berg Thorkildsen / news Shouldn’t defy personal style But what if large parts of the wardrobe you already have are the “wrong” season for you? – You cannot limit yourself to five signature colors all the time, and live a rich and fun life, says Jemtegård. Even if you find out that you are in a completely different season than you may have thought you were, you can take it easy. The fashion journalist is clear that it is neither very personal nor sustainable to change your entire wardrobe because your clothes are the wrong season. She thinks it’s sad if people change their style because they’ve been told that something else suits you best. The fashion journalist believes that one should not get too hung up on the result of the color analysis. Photo: Fraxx publishing house – Fashion and clothes are a way of expressing personality and individuality and style. – If you want to wear garments that are outside the narrow little scale that you have been presented with, then of course you should wear them. Published 03/07/2024, at 21.06
