The coastal culture boat “Pia Marie” sank in the extreme weather “Ingunn” – news Troms and Finnmark

There may not be much that brings hardened sailors to tears. But it happened when a boat that has been restored with countless hours of hard work, and which is an important part of the history in the north, suddenly had to give way to the wind. Because in Balsfjord in Troms the wind was so wild that the pensioners in the Aursfjord coastal team were left blank-eyed while ropes and ropes were torn loose from the coastal boat “Pia Marie”. – “Ingunn” came hard and brutally. We have never seen it break so hard, says manager Johan Robertsen. Photo: Mathias Sommerseth Kjellmo / news Photo: Mathias Sommerseth Kjellmo / news Photo: Mathias Sommerseth Kjellmo / news Photo: Mathias Sommerseth Kjellmo / news The coastal boat was a 52-foot restored pearl from 1982, which was used to teach coastal culture to school classes and others interested. – It is a sadness. It is a boat that we have come to love, and have spent a lot of time on. And it has been a pleasure to be able to promote coastal culture. So no, it got strong. It has been very windy throughout the country in the last week. Here you can read the stories and see the consequences of Extreme Weather “Ingunn”. Nordlys mentioned “Pia Marie” first. The claims are pouring in. Both the storms earlier in the week and the extreme weather “Ingunn” have led to the claim reports pouring in to the insurance companies. Tryg forsikring says they have received 100 claims from the start of the week, and 150 during the extreme weather before lunch on Friday. Gjensidige has received over 400 damage reports just for “Ingunn”. Framtind has received over 300 damage reports. At Tangstad on Vestvågøy in Lofoten, several buildings have suffered major damage after the extreme weather “Ingunn”. The damage mainly concerns roof damage, where parts of the roof or roof tiles have come loose in the strong wind. – But we also have piers that have been washed ashore, boathouses that have blown onto the sea, and terraces that have fallen victim to the strong winds, plus water damage where roofs or cladding have come loose and rainwater has penetrated, says press manager Ole Irgens in Tryg insurance. In addition, they have a fair amount of car damage where cars have been hit by flying objects. – We receive a steady stream of inquiries from affected customers, and help them as best we can, says Irgens. The claims are geographically spread over the stretch from Bjørnafjorden in the south to Troms in the north. Tryg has registered the most damages in Vågan, Bodø and Værøy municipalities. Have you experienced the extreme weather this week? Historic storm? All insurance companies news has been in contact with expect the number of claims to increase. – The worst weather was yesterday, and then it was not advisable to move anywhere at all. So there may be a backlog, says communications manager Bjarne Aani Rysstad. Despite the fact that the meteorologists drew parallels to the New Year’s hurricane 30 years ago ahead of time, and that a wind record was set in Norway on Thursday, it is too early to compare the storm in a historical perspective, the insurance company believes. – There is no doubt that “Ingunn” in isolation is nevertheless a major event. But it has gone better than one could fear. Lack of insurance In Balsfjord, they are happy that the boat did not go down on the open sea, and that no lives were lost. – We had secured the boat extra, but the ropes blew right off. Learning is something you do all your life, but there are some broken ways to learn, says Johan Robertsen. Now they are unsure what happens next with “Pia Marie”. Because it is not certain that the insurance will last. Johan Robertsen and the Aursfjord coastal team must now get their feet on the ground and think about the future. Photo: Mathias Sommerseth Kjellmo / news – We didn’t have insurance on the boat, but I have liability insurance. So there will be a discussion with the insurance company about what we can do. – Is there any chance of getting it up and running again? – To put it that way, when you do not have comprehensive insurance, you must have the resources and means to do so. It is certainly possible, but we in Aursfjord coastal team do not have the money, says Robertsen. – We may have to put it on land and use it as a view of coastal culture. news’s ​​Christer Johnsgård reports from the outer side of Kvaløya in Tromsø where there was very strong wind on Thursday.
