The Coastal Administration will demolish Skalmen lighthouse on Smøla, but Skalmen’s friends will save the lighthouse – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

– It is a cathedral in the sea, a cultural monument and an important part of the identity of the coastal people. We think it is worth looking after, developing and making available to people, says Sindre Holberg in Skalmen’s friends. Skalmen lighthouse was built in 1907, but it has now been 20 years since anyone lived there. The buildings on the islet out in the gap in the sea show a strong impression of many years without special maintenance. Skalmen’s friends are now considering buying the lighthouse, because it is probably the only way they can save it. At the beginning of December, there was a sighting of the Skalmen lighthouse. Skalmen’s friends are considering buying the lighthouse. Photo: Marius André Jenssen Stenberg / news Maintenance has not been prioritized The Coastal Administration lacks around half a billion kroner to be able to equip all four for which they are responsible, and therefore believes that it is better to demolish Skalmen than to refurbish it. Skalmen lighthouse is located in Smøla municipality in Møre og Romsdal. – There has not been active operation here for many years, so we have not prioritized keeping the lighthouse as it is. The exterior here is very bad. Roofs and pipes, for example. There has also been mercury here that we are struggling to get rid of, and then water has come in, says section leader in the Coastal Administration Guttorm Tomren. The Norwegian Coastal Administration would rather prioritize lighthouses that, for example, are protected and are easier to get to for most people. There is also a bird reserve on Skalmen, and a ban on going ashore from 1 May to 31 July. This is what the inside of the lighthouse looks like. There is some mercury in the building, especially in the lantern at the very top. Guttorm Tomren of the Coastal Administration also showed off the engine house. Friends of Asbjørn Dyrnes in Skalmen are keen to preserve the old history of the lighthouse. – A tragedy in Riveplanane has also caused the Norwegian Lighthouse Association to react. They support the friends association and hope they can take over. – I think it is absolutely terrible. It is a tragedy that such cultural relics will be lost. These are irreplaceable buildings that create a history and atmosphere in the place they stand, and can never be replaced with a lighthouse in another place, says board chair Henriette Marie Skjæveland. Henriette Skjæveland is the leader of the Norwegian Fire Association. Photo: Norwegian lighthouse association She points out that many of the lighthouses that once existed have disappeared. – It is an important story for Norway, which has been a maritime nation for so many years. Those who have built four sacrificed life and health to set up these outposts to save the lives of others. Then I think it is very important to take care of what is. Bad timing The demolition decision has led to strong protests, but Fisheries Minister Bjørn Skjæran (Ap) supports the Coastal Administration’s decision. He is nevertheless open to the fact that if someone wants to buy the first station as it stands, at market price, he can reassess the matter. They must register their interest before the end of 2022, so Skalmen’s friends have a bad time. After visiting the lighthouse, the friends association believes that the buildings are in much better condition than feared. – I think most of us got a little discouraged. Because it seems that it is possible to achieve something. Now we have to assess what this will cost, and whether it is possible to get hold of the money somewhere, Asbjørn Dyrnes states. Skalmen’s friends ready for rescue operation. Tomas Farstad, Henrik Holberg, Sindre Holberg and Asbjørn Dyrnes. Photo: Marius André Jenssen Stenberg / news
