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7 October 2022 at 10:38 Carl-Fredrik Bunæs is dead The former athlete Carl-Fredrik Bunæs fell asleep quietly on Thursday evening after a long illness. He lived to be 82 years old. This is stated by the son Per Christian Bunæs in a message to NTB. Bunæs was among the foremost sprinters in the Nordics in the early 1960s. As a senior, he won 18 individual NM gold medals (five in 100 metres, nine in 200 meters and four in 400 metres) from 1957 to 1966. He took part in the Rome Olympics in 1960 and reached the quarter-finals of 100 and 200 metres. In his active career he usually went by the name “Bassen Bunæs”. He was particularly known for his solid efforts in international matches… – Those of us who had the pleasure of running relays of, for example, 4 x 400 meters could say that what we did was not so dangerous, because Bassen sorted things out on the last leg, wrote his clubmate in Tjalve, Arne Kvalheim, on twitter when the death was known. Bunæs was looking for two children and four grandchildren.
