The cat Ninja (3) was covered in frying oil – think someone dumped her on purpose – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I have not managed to stop and laugh. The animals are like our children. It has been absolutely cruel, says Thea Marie Thon, who lives in Sarpsborg. Night to Monday, Thon experienced something out of the ordinary. When the cat “Ninja” came jumping in through a window, something was wrong. – I saw a cat in the kitchen that I did not recognize. She was immersed in frying oil, and did not look like herself. This is what Ninja looked like when she came home from her evening trip. Photo: Thea Marie Thon Followed the oil tracks – Ninja was so full of oil that we could see the footprints to a rubbish bin, says Thon. The rubbish bin was located just outside a fast food restaurant. According to Thon, the waste bin contained 70 liters of frying oil. She suspects that someone with malicious intent placed Ninja upstairs. – I doubt that the cat has ended up up there and gotten out again all alone, she says. There were clear traces of frying oil outside the waste bin. In the waste bin there was plenty of frying oil. I think it was done on purpose Annette Bjørndalen Søreide in Dyrebeskyttelsen tells news that they are familiar with several cases where cats have been soaked in oil or fuel. She thinks there are some who have dumped Ninja in frying oil with knowledge and will. – Violence against animals is unfortunately not uncommon in Norway, and often it is cats who are exposed to abuse by strangers. Communication consultant Annette Bjørndalen Søreide in Dyrebeskyttelsen. Photo: Anne K. Harkestad – Not a widespread problem – Waste at restaurants must be handled in a safe way. Both in terms of food safety, and so no one can get to the waste, says Jarle Bergsjø. He is section chief of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority in Østfold and Follo, and is responsible for animal welfare. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has the opportunity to carry out inspections, if they suspect that companies do not store waste in a safe manner. – I do not know what has happened here. But this is not a widespread problem, says Bergsjø. – Adults must have done what news has been in contact with the general manager of the fast food restaurant. He says that he has talked to Sarpsborg municipality, and explained what kind of routines they have for storing the frying oil. – It may be someone who has passed by who has done it. But no children or animals can open it. Then some adults must have done it, says the general manager. Had to go to hospital After following the tracks that led to the garbage can, Thon and the man tried to flush the oil from Ninja’s fur. They did not succeed. Thus, it carried on to Fredrikstad Animal Hospital. There, Ninja was given coal and put under anesthesia. The vets managed to wash off the oil from the cat’s paws, tail and face. The rest of the coat had to be shaved off later. Monday night, Ninja came home from the Animal Hospital in Fredrikstad. Photo: Thea Marie Thon The animal hospital does not want to comment on the matter out of consideration for the cat’s “privacy”. Thon has reported the case to the police. She has also notified the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and contacted the municipality. – We hope we can find the person who did it, but it is difficult.
