The case against Atle Antonsen has been dropped – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

The case must be dismissed on the basis of the evidence by the Oslo State Attorney’s Office. The comedian was reported for hate speech and reckless behavior. Sumaya Jirde Ali reported Atle Antonsen to the police after an incident at Bar Boca in Oslo on the night of 23 October. According to Ali, Antonsen allegedly spoke English to her on the spot, was aggressive and asked her to shut up several times. Eventually he said “you’re too dark-skinned to be here,” she wrote in a Facebook post. news has been in contact with Sumaya Jirde Ali’s friend Hasti Hamidi, who has been close to her recently. They do not want to comment on the closure right now, news is told. After the report became known, Antonsen apologized for his behavior and described it as a “disaster”. It was at this bar in Oslo that Antonsen allegedly behaved aggressively towards Sumaya Jirde Ali. Photo: Stig Jaarvik / news
