– The cabin owners are desperate – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– I am definitely worried about the winter. That is one of the reasons why we are installing a heat pump now, says cabin owner Jarle Haugestad. Like many others, he fears what winter and the cold will mean for the electricity bill. Especially in the cabin where he does not get electricity support. Demand for heat pumps has never been higher, according to figures from the Norwegian Heat Pump Association. Standing in line The demand means that the tools of Jonas Heierdahl Amundsen and Geir Uppstad at Uppstad VVS are almost running hot. They work around the clock installing heat pumps in the upper Setesdal. – The cabin owners are desperate. Many people ask if we can close the cabins in winter, we don’t recommend that, says Uppstad. Instead, they recommend installing heat pumps. This has led to them having close to 80 cabin owners who are on a waiting list. – People are absolutely crazy about keeping the cabin frost-free throughout the winter. Before, we received two orders a week, now it can be four a day, says Amundsen. The demand means that the tools of Jonas Heierdahl Amundsen and Geir Uppstad at Uppstad VVS are almost running hot. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news Many kroner to save This winter, electricity prices are expected to be around 4.5 kroner per kilowatt hour before taxes and electricity subsidies in southern Norway. In cabins without electricity support, it can reach NOK 8 per kilowatt hour. In the north, prices are significantly lower, but there, too, prices are on the rise. Energy analyst Tor Reier Lilleholt in Volue Insight believes that there is a lot of money to be saved by installing a heat pump in the cabin. – With the best heat pumps, you can split the price among four. Then you are down to the level ordinary people have with state support, says Lilleholt. He recommends a combination of wood burning and a heat pump. – There is no doubt that heat pumps are a profitable investment in the long run, he says. Energy analyst Tor Reier Lilleholt in Volue Insight believes that there is a lot of money to be saved by installing a heat pump in the cabin. Photo: news Heading towards another record year There is a big connection between increases in electricity prices and sales of heat pumps. Last year, sales of heat pumps reached new heights. – This year we will probably set new records. The first half of 2022 is the best ever, says general manager Rolf Iver Mytting Hagemoen of the Norwegian Heat Pump Association. This creates an increased waiting time for those who want to have a heat pump installed. – For some installation companies, there is a 2-3 week waiting period. Others also have longer waiting times, says Hagemoen. Demand from the housing market is greatest. There is also somewhat increased demand for heat pumps for commercial buildings. Sales of heat pumps reached new heights in 2021. So far this year, demand has only increased. Photo: Norwegian Heat Pump Association
