– The building is permeated – NRK Vestland

Several thousand liters of water have cleaned through three floors and caused extensive damage in an office space at Møhlenpris in Bergen last night. The fire brigade was notified of the leak at 11.30. By then, a remediation company had already investigated the damage and concluded that they needed help to remove the water volumes. – We are talking about many thousands of liters of water. There are leaks over three floors and in many rooms. We will probably stay here for a while, says duty commander Morten Frantzen in 110 Vest at 11.30. EMPLOYEE LEADER: Jan Aase in the Bergen fire service talks about extensive material damage and a major cleaning job in the office building at Møhlenpris. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Myrtveit Osgjerd / NRK On Sunday afternoon, operations manager Jan Aase in the fire service states that the water will probably flow all the way down to the basement. – There has been a pipe and play with pressure on at least since last night. It starts on the sixth floor, and now we also have people on the third. There are indications that the lake comes all the way down to the basement. Photo: Alexander Ophaug / NRK – The building is permeated by the leak Insert leader in the city Jan Aase describes the damage as extensive. Around a thousand square meters of office space and canteen have suffered material damage. The fire brigade is in town with two fire trucks and a patrol with special expertise in residual value rescue. They will stay on the porch for many hours to soak up the amount of water and try to save value. The leak has been stopped, but the clean-up work will take time. – We are now working to remove water with pumps. Then the big job of drying up begins, says Aase. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Myrtveit Osgjerd / NRK Water in the basement There are four floors so far. Task leader Aase states that the leak will start no later than yesterday. A water pipe under pressure has apparently jumped off the connection point on a machine, the 110 exchange informs. Thus, the hose has been lying and flushing water from the sixth floor, through stairs, roof and ceiling all the way down to the third floor. – The entire building is permeated by this leak, says Aase. There are also traces of the leak in the basement. NRK has been inside and seen that the lake has run all the way through the building. There is at least a couple of centimeters of water on the floor in the rough floors. Eleven firefighters are in action on Sunday afternoon. A damage remediation company is also in place with ten workers. – Not so great damage At 14.30, the 110 exchange informs that only the residual value car is left. Then most of the water is sucked up and out of the building. Throughout the afternoon, workers from the Damages Alliance will install dehumidifiers and ventilate the building. The fire service initially described the material damage as major, but a representative from the remediation company states that the damage to the building itself and the office fittings is not that great. He confirms that water has run all the way from the sixth floor to the basement, but that it is only a matter of inflow of small amounts. – In my head there are not so many injuries. There are a lot of carpets and laminate, so it would be nice to remove the water. Now we are concentrating on getting rid of the lake, so we can take a count of what has been destroyed afterwards, the representative from the Damages Alliance informs NRK. On Monday, a humidification technician will inspect the building to assess how much water has entered the construction. BASEMENT: The work of sucking up the water in the four floors is extensive. There was an inflow of water after the leak through all six floors. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Myrtveit Osgjerd / NRK Privatskule must close after the leak The house that is accidentally consists mainly of office space and a canteen. The building is known as Industrihuset at Møhlenpris and is owned by Theodor Eiendom AS. Ole-Jørgen Fæø is a daily camper in the company. He says that the damage fortunately applies to a fairly central part of the building. Thus, only five of the total of 20 tenants get a challenging start to the working week. – The claims alliance will continue in the building throughout the evening and night. Drying and aeration will of course take several days. Fortunately, there are a few tenants who have happened. It is true that operations can continue as normal until this week, but Fæø believes that some of the companies will have to move internally in their premises. – We are talking about large tenants, so I think they will be able to find solutions in the time this is going on, Fæø states. On Sunday afternoon, BA writes that Noroff Bergen must close as a result of the leak. The school will be closed to students and teachers on Monday, but leader Iselin Skudal tells the newspaper that she hopes they can open on Tuesday. The insurance company is involved. As of now, Fæø will not speculate on what triggered the leak.
