The British send migrant aircraft to Rwanda – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The government has received court approval to send migrants to Rwanda. But most of those who should have been on board remain in the UK. In separate lawsuits, the mailings have been stopped after individual assessments. According to British media, only seven asylum seekers are leaving tonight. There are, among others, Iranians, Iraqis, Albanians and Syrians among the passengers. Four of them go through court hearings during the day. One of the cases has been decided, and the person in question was not granted the requirement to remain in the United Kingdom. The government says those who do not travel now will be sent by a later plane. Lacks latitude and / or elevation picture Controversial agreement The agreement with Rwanda has met with criticism from several quarters. People news meets in London are also appalled. – It is unbelievable. Imagine if it was you and that you were sent to Africa! It’s a cruel idea, says Marilyn Baxter. While a woman who does not want to say what her name is is of a different opinion. – I think it’s a fantastic idea. They can not continue to cross the English Channel. So far this year, around 10,000 migrants have crossed the canal. 3,500 of them have arrived after the deportation agreement with Rwanda became known. The agreement is intended to scare people from taking the dangerous boat trip from France to the UK. Yesterday, a boat with migrants arrived in Dover, UK. Photo: HANNAH MCKAY / ReutersPhoto: HANNAH MCKAY / Reuters “A shame for Britain” Today, 25 bishops in the Church of England go out with strong criticism of the plan in a letter in The Times. There they write that the plan is “immoral and a disgrace to Britain”. – Whether the first dispatch plane goes or not today, this policy is a disgrace to the nation. The shame is ours, because our Christian heritage should inspire us to treat asylum seekers with compassion and justice, as we have done for centuries, they write. According to the Daily Mail and The Times, Crown Prince Charles also called the law “terrible”. In several cities, people have demonstrated. The British royal family is to deal with neutral political issues, but according to British media, Prince Charles has called the agreement with Rwanda “terrible”. Photo: Vadim Ghirda / AP Human rights organizations in the UK had tried to challenge the law legally. But the case was dismissed in the courts. New court round in July At the end of July, judges will review the entire agreement. If they think it is illegal, the migrants who are potentially sent to Rwanda can be returned. The United Kingdom is said to have paid Rwanda 120 million pounds, or around 1.5 billion Norwegian kroner, for the agreement. The agreement shall have a trial period of five years. Those who are deported have their asylum applications processed in Rwanda. If they are entitled to asylum, they will get it in Rwanda, not in the UK. According to the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, the law should act as a deterrent to those who trade in people across the channel – I do not think we should support the continued activity of criminal gangs, Boris Johnson told LBC Radio. But people are wondering how effective the scare is. Also yesterday, migrants came by sea to the UK, and the traffic has continued to be full ever since the agreement became known. The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, believes the agreement with Rwanda will prevent human trafficking across the English Channel. Photo: MATT DUNHAM / AFP Accused of human rights violations A spokesman for the Rwandan authorities, Yolande Makolo, has stated that “Rwanda wants to ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect and is offered the opportunity to create a life here if they wish”. An assessment from the United Kingdom decided that there was no “significant basis” for believing that refugees could be treated badly in Rwanda. Human rights organizations and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, on the other hand, think otherwise. Rwanda already houses refugees from other African countries. Photo: APPhoto: AP Rwanda already houses a large number of refugees from surrounding African countries. Human Rights Watch has previously criticized Rwanda for ill-treatment of refugees. Among other things, they highlight the killing of 12 Congolese refugees by police during a demonstration in 2018. – Although Rwanda has generously offered a safe haven for refugees fleeing conflict and persecution for decades, most live in camps with limited economic opportunities. , writes the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in a press release. Britain has also been criticized by people who believe the agreement is a violation of the UN Refugee Convention. It does not allow forcibly sending asylum seekers to unsafe areas.
