The British government will deploy the military during the ambulance strike – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak believes British trade unions are to blame for the fact that millions of Britons are now having a miserable time before Christmas. Strikes have, among other things, affected railway companies, the postal service, schools and the healthcare system in recent weeks. Now Sunak is taking a strong stand with the leaders of several trade unions. In an article in The Sun, he particularly criticizes those who organize employees in the transport industry. The green fantasy character the Grinch is blamed for stealing Christmas in a children’s book from 1957, which was later made into a film. British trade union leaders are now accused of the same thing as the Prime Minister. Photo: ULISES RUIZ / AFP This Christmas, families deserve to be with their loved ones. Especially after the pandemic, writes Sunak. Instead, they create misery by starting strikes in the transport industry, believes the Prime Minister. Sunak claims that union leaders behave like the Grinch, a character from a children’s book published in 1957. In the book, the green fantasy character the Grinch is blamed for stealing people’s Christmas. The book has also been made into a film. More and more of those on strike want a solution, writes Sunak. Next week, 10,000 British ambulance workers will go on strike. The government sees no other option than for soldiers to take over the transport of the sick. Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP Soldiers to drive ambulances From 12 December until the New Year, there will be at least one strike every day in Great Britain, writes Sky News. Next week, employees in the ambulances stop work. This has caused the government to intervene. When 10,000 ambulance workers in England and Wales go on strike on 21 and 28 December, the defense will take over the job of transporting patients. Around 1,200 personnel from the army, navy and air force have been called in to assist, writes the Daily Mail newspaper. – My first priority is to keep the patients safe, says Health Minister Steve Barclay to the BBC. The commander-in-chief of the British forces does not think it is a good idea for military personnel to drive an ambulance during a strike. The picture shows British soldiers during a NATO exercise in Poland in November. Photo: KACPER PEMPEL / Reuters The armed forces complain The unions are not satisfied. They believe military personnel are not well enough trained to drive ambulances. Untrained drivers can be more of a hindrance than a help, says Nathan Holman from the trade union GMB. Exceeding speed limits and running red lights requires separate training. The military will only be able to take care of the least serious missions, he believes. Nor is the British defense content to assist. – We do not have free capacity. We are busy and we do many things on behalf of the nation. We have to focus on our primary role, says Admiral Sir Tony Rasakin to The Telegraph. He warns that it may become a habit for soldiers to do the work during a strike. Strikes in several train companies have led to fewer departures and tighter space for commuters in the London area. Photo: DANIEL LEAL / AFP Strikes for higher wages The strikes have been triggered by the violent rise in prices that has hit the UK. Last week, up to 100,000 nurses went on strike. On Thursday, British nurses went on strike for the first time in the UK. This is one of many strikes affecting the country in the run-up to the New Year. Photo: ISABEL INFANTES / AFP In the past year, goods and services have become 10 per cent more expensive. It is the highest price increase in the UK in 40 years. While the nurses have demanded a pay rise of as much as 19 per cent, the government has said that an increase of 4.75 per cent is correct. Warns of travel chaos The British military will also assist when border control employees go on strike on Christmas Eve. Together with 1,000 employees in the bureaucracy, they will check the passports and documents of people crossing the border. The strike will last until the New Year. People who are going to travel have to be prepared for significant problems, the authorities warn.
