The boathouse to Riskafjord on Hommersåk burned down on Thursday night – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– Everything that has been written and done in the last 70 years in connection with Norway’s oldest boat in operation was on the second floor, says Magne T. Frøyland of the Riskafjord foundation, which is based in the building. The building and boathouse that burned down on Hommersåk in Sandnes last night are protected by the city antiquities and were to be rehabilitated. Magne T. Frøyland. Photo: Hanne Christin Våge / news The boat Frøyland is talking about, Riskafjord, went out of regular operation in 1996 and before that ran regular traffic between Hommersåk and Stavanger. The boat ran between Stavanger and Hommersåk since the mid-20s. – It is a cultural monument. It is in a different place now because the quay is being rehabilitated. In just a few days the boat would return to the dock again. Frøyland says that they woke up to an explosion so powerful that they felt it in the windows. – We are happy that the boat was not docked, otherwise we would have lost it too. This is what it looked like when there was a full fire in the buildings at Hommersåk in Sandnes. Photo: Tipser Two young people have been charged – There is a large and powerful fire, said duty manager Christer Gilberg at the 110 center Sørvest to NTB 0.15 on Thursday night. Just after 5 o’clock on Thursday morning, the police report that two young people have been charged in connection with the fire at Hommersåk. The fire service is carrying out post-extinguishing work in Hommersåk after a fire in several buildings. Photo: Erik Waage / news – One has been arrested and the other is under 18 years of age and is being looked after by child protection, operations manager Dag Steinkopf in the Sør-West police district told news on Thursday morning. He would not go into detail about the reason for the charge. The two accused will be questioned during the day. Several neighbors observed the fire. Witnesses tell of the use of fireworks or emergency flares in the area before the fire. The fire service is carrying out post-extinguishing work in Hommersåk after a fire in several buildings Video: Heidi Karin Gilje Skog Must remain closed for several months The neighboring building, which contains the restaurants Goe Helg sports and music bar and Dolly Dimples, was also damaged in the fire. – It’s terrible to stand here now. Many thoughts are going through my head, and there have been a lot of tears last night, says the initiator and one of the owners, Lennart Ims. Lennart Ims says that it was terrible to hear about the fire. Photo: Erik Waage / news Ims says they have to remain closed for several months due to the damage. Several future events will have to be cancelled. – It is a trauma, but the most important thing is that no one was injured. It is also incredibly important that the boat Riskafjord did not go along, says Ims. No one was evacuated in connection with the fire. – It was very disturbing, but luckily the extinguishing work went easily because of the rain. But it was very sad, because the boat and the building that burned belong to a local foundation. We are very happy with the buildings here at Hommersåk quay, neighbor Francisco Porturas tells news.
