The boat holiday is characterized by high fuel prices. Notice that there are fewer at sea – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– It’s a disaster for the boat people. The words belong to Danish Tommy Boserup. He has traveled from Aker pier down to Kragerø. It cost him 6,000 kroner in fuel. Moored at Kragerøkaia, he waits for guests before the trip continues to Arendal, but not one nautical mile further with today’s prices. – I think it is completely unreasonable and insane. – Does the holiday get a bad taste when it costs so much? – Yes it does. If you ask everyone here, I think they say the same thing. Calmer at sea The rescue company in Kragerø notices that there are unusually few boats in the middle of summer. – Here there are quite a few boats in the harbor against what would normally be during the joint holiday. There is plenty of space on the piers, both in this harbor and the guest harbor, says Erik Claussen in the Rescue Company in Kragerø. Boat driver for the Rescue Company in Kragerø, Erik Claussen, at the harbor in Kragerø. Photo: Kurt Inge Dale / news With a pump price of NOK 25.64 for one liter of petrol, he thinks more people are thinking through consumption. One year ago, the pump price at the same place was NOK 17.44. That is 8.20 kroner cheaper than this year. Especially smaller boats, they see fewer of. – Larger boats seem to stay longer in one place and run shorter. They are less in motion. Because fewer people travel at sea, there will be less to do for the Rescue Company. – We think it’s nice to have something to do, but can we avoid the big accidents. then it’s great, he says. Fewer recreational boats at sea From 1 June last year to 12 July this year, the Rescue Company sees a decrease in the whole country of 19 per cent in recreational boat assignments. According to Tanja Krangnes, head of drowning prevention, large parts of the country are experiencing the same thing. – There can be several reasons for this, but in principle it is between holidays abroad, expensive fuel and the weather. In Western Norway, they also see similar trends. Inside the head office, they have seen a slight decrease in the number of assignments. When it comes to what we observe when we are out, it seems that people take shorter trips, says skipper of the rescue boat Bergen Kreds, Jon Ohrberg. He explains that if, for example, you have a cabin cruiser in Florø, it will be more attractive to go to Askvoll municipality than Bergen because of the distances. Slimer wallet news has talked to several boat owners, and everyone agrees – the prices are wild. The final sum quickly becomes high with a liter price of over 25 kroner. Photo: Herman Omland / news Jørn Aasvik’s boat has room for 700 liters of fuel. Now he fills a maximum of 100 liters at a time. – You can count on it having something to do with the price. Jørn Aasvik no longer sees the point in filling a full tank. Photo: Herman Omland / news Aasvik lives permanently on Jomfruland, and is dependent on the boat as a means of transport. As he squeezes the pump handle, the increasing amount of money quickly rolls off the screen. – It costs to be a guy, there is no doubt about that, he says as the pump is put back. With a 1500 kroner block on this particular pump, many people have to pull the card several times. – It is starting to get very expensive, says Harald Faaberg. He and his son are in place to fill the boat at Kirkebukta in Kragerø. – What do you think about the fact that it costs so much? – It’s annoying, but it’s a good thing that is not necessary so I do not see it as a big problem.
