The awarding of “Picture of the Year” for 2022 – Direct

“Picture of the year” is the Press Photographers’ Club’s prestigious selection of the best pictures and videos from the past year. The jury said that it had been a challenging job to evaluate the strong entries against each other. In this case, we have listed some of the categories. All winners and reasons can be found here. Picture of the year Javad Parsa (NTB) – Women, life, freedom. Exile Iranians watch injured Iranian protesters on TV in Oslo. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB The jury’s reasoning: This year’s picture is a moving and strong picture. It is a good depiction of what it is like to be on the outside of Iran and witness the dramatic revolution taking place there. There is a silent and desperate resistance in the picture, which gives you a lump in your throat. The situation affects so many in the diaspora, and it’s nice to see men in the picture too. This affects all Iranians, all people. At the same time, it is the first feminist revolution, which is important in a time of many setbacks. An iconic image that points to the future. Portrait of the year 1st place: Anders Grønneberg (Dagbladet) – Johan Kaggestad Photo: Anders Grønneberg / Dagbladet The jury’s reasoning: When you see such a good portrait, you want to talk to the person in the picture. An open, poignant picture that shows a life in disintegration. A nude portrait photographed with dignity, where you can see the whole life story in the face. 2nd place: Mariann Dybdahl (Adressa) – Can they meet again? Photo: Mariann Dybdahl / Adressa The jury’s reasoning: A picture with great uneasiness in it. The contrast between the women on the bed and the image on the TV underlines the absence of what may remain in Ukraine. It’s about escaping with what you have. They only have the cat, they have said goodbye to the rest. 3rd place: Janne Møller-Hansen (VG) – The Pride shooting Photo: Janne Møller-Hansen / VG The jury’s reasoning: A short and present portrait that summarizes the population’s reaction to the shooting. A hopelessness that resonates on 22 July. Now it happened here, again. News video of the year 1st place: Aage Aune and Kjetil Iden (TV 2) – Escape from the bombs Photo: Aage Aune / TV 2 The jury’s reasoning: This story shows us some of the dilemmas Ukrainian civilians face; to flee to safety or to try to take care of their own homes. The report stands out from other contributions by the way cinematic means are used in the storytelling. One chooses to let the images speak for themselves, without drowning them out with the reporter’s commentary. The pictures and commentary play in layers and complement each other. The story is well structured and uses resistance as a dramaturgical engine. In between all the misery, there are also glimpses of humor and hope. The team allows the viewer to interpret the subtitles in the images themselves, without over-explaining them. You can see the entire feature here. 2nd place: Christian Breidlid and Milana Knezevic (news) – The village where the water disappeared Seillans in France has been dependent on a water truck for many months. The water is rationed to 150 liters per person per day. The jury’s reasoning: This is a news report that challenges the traditional conventions of its genre. The reportage is built up without a reporter’s voice and the story is told in its entirety by interviews with sources in the French municipality of Seillans. The reportage is beautifully photographed with very well composed images. The editing is done with a cutting rhythm and use of music that drives the story forward in an engaging way. 3rd place: Mohammed Alayoubi and Morten Jentoft (news) – The murders in Butsja news warns of strong images. There are dead people in the streets of Bucha in Ukraine. news’s ​​correspondent Morten Jentoft tells of horrific sightings. The jury’s reasoning: The images we saw in this report will probably be some of the best remembered from the war in Ukraine. news’s ​​journalists are among the first to arrive in Butsja after Russian forces were forced to withdraw. It is filmed from a car window as they drive into the city, and we are taken on a journey where we witness the bestiality of war. We see corpse after corpse strewn in the streets, great destruction and desperate citizens who have finally been freed. We hear stories of their neighbors and friends who have been killed, of people who have lay helpless, while no one dared to help them for fear of their own safety. The report stands as a unique testimony to the brutality shown during the hostilities in Ukraine. Daily life in Norway 1st place: Gabriel S Skålevik – A midsummer night’s dream Photo: Gabriel Aas Skålevik The jury’s reasoning 2020. 2021. 2022. Norway is finally open. The jury loves this picture. There is a huge relief here. A breath of fresh air. The picture is perfectly composed, the light is lovely. It makes you want to join the party 2nd place: Hallgeir Vågenes (VG) – Tough times Photo: Hallgeir Vågenes / VG Jury’s reasoning: Norwegian autumn. A double-bottom image that holds many readings. It shows how prices are rising and the economy is getting tighter. At the same time, relationships within the family emerge. Six children, two cats; it’s clear he looks tired. You always discover something new in the picture frame. The contrast between the parents’ concern and the children’s play is stark. 3rd place: Espen Rasmussen (VG) – The journey from the bombs Photo: Espen Rasmussen / VG Jury’s reasoning: The picture tells about finding new strength in a difficult situation. Especially for children, who have to get inside something completely new. They climb up and forward. They have gotten out. A positive picture of hope for the future of Ukrainians, while also having a tragic backdrop. Documentary Norway 1st place: Martin Slottemo Lyngstad (Aftenposten) – Shabana’s world Photo: Martin Slottemo Lyngstad / Aftenposten Jury’s reasoning: A heartbreaking story about refusing to give up. Shabana Rehman has contributed so much. All the images are strong and are closely related and could stand alone. Unanimous winner in the documentary category 2nd place: Cicilie S Andersen (news) – Ørjan’s Plan B Photo: Cicilie S. Andersen / news Jury’s reasoning: A well-told story with great variety. The pictures break prejudices that men cannot have children alone and that women have a caring gene. It is an important discussion. The picture where the father sits on the sofa and cries is an incredibly intimate and powerful moment 3rd place: Paal Audestad (Aftenposten) – Oslo – Odalen, all night Photo: Paal Audestad / Aftenposten Jury’s reasoning: Humor, energy and joy. There hasn’t been much of that this year. But here we get a life-affirming, classic rock reportage. The humor is penetrating, and you really get to be part of the tour. The photographer is like a fifth member in the band. Devoid of vanity. Delicious. Newcomer of the year Matilde Solsvik (Bilder Nordic) – My boat is so small Photo: Matilde Solsvik The jury’s reasoning: A very nice and exciting series that shows a sensitive environment that the photographer has navigated in a responsible way with good presence. The individual images are enormously strong with varying looks and light. The photographer avoids clichés, and especially the party and Russian pictures are important. News picture – Sport 1st place: Martin Slottemo Lyngstad (Aftenposten) – Empty of tears Photo: Martin Slottemo Lyngstad / Aftenposten Jury’s reasoning: A universal story about a sports career that inevitably ends at a relatively young age. The body is finished before the head. The life and the halfpipe are behind him in a nice composition. You can barely make out the Olympic rings. He holds around the board like a little boy. As if the board has been his closest partner. It is a moment of divorce. 2nd place: Odd Andersen (AFP) – Goalkeeper Photo: ODD ANDERSEN / AFP Jury’s reasoning A photo you wish you had taken yourself. Not a decisive moment, but a wonderful image that is strong in terms of form and has a stopping effect. New perspectives are important in sports photography, and here the photographer creates a simple and strong composition. 3rd place: Paal Audestad (Aftenposten) – Seagull Photo: Paal Audestad / Aftenposten The jury’s reasoning: What is going on here? An incredibly good and absurd action picture. You don’t quite understand what is going on, which is attractive. Lots of pictures are taken of dead birds, but this one stands out. The ultimate jump shot. Open class 1st place: Matilde Solsvik (Bilder Nordic) – Bobla Photo: Matilde Solsvik The jury’s reasoning: An exceptionally well-done reportage about elderly people who are present and photographed. We see the photographer’s grandparents, who become symbols of Norwegian culture and tradition, and understanding between the generations. There is a lot of humour, self-irony and warmth in this series. 2nd place: Marius Renner Christensen (news) – The battle for the coffin Photo: Marius Renner Christensen / news The jury’s reasoning: A stylish series about an entire nation that has gone to say goodbye. It shows people’s curiosity and urge to be present when major changes take place. The pictures are photographed with a twinkle in the eye. 3rd place: Stig B Hansen (Aftenposten) – Last stab? Photo: Stig B. Hansen / Aftenposten The jury’s reasoning: An important story about biological diversity. The insects have a special character. The images are sensual, and it is conceptually well executed. All winners and reasons can be found here.
