The Attorney General doubts whether punishment helps – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The goal of a drug-free society has not worked according to the Attorney General. – I think we may have overestimated the importance – that is, we have had a vision of such a – a zero vision, drug-free society. It hasn’t worked, he says. – Is it naive? – Naive, no, I don’t want to say that, he replies. – Good intentions and good wishes, but we see that the number of people, young people, who have used drugs has not exactly decreased in line with the years that have passed. Figures from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health show that there has not been a significant development in drug use in the last 10 years. Maurud advocates a gentler approach to drug addicts. A drug-free society is unrealistic, says Attorney General Jørn Maurud. Photo: Thomas Brun / NTB Do drug addicts think they harm themselves – We have to look at what kind of crime it really is, using drugs. It is primarily a form of self-harm we are talking about, says Maurud. Last year he supported the Solberg government’s drug reform. – The reason why I gave my support to the drug reform proposal, which did not come to fruition, was that I think it is problematic to use punishment on people who primarily harm themselves. In May, he gave the police new guidelines for dealing with drug addicts. These determined that drug addicts should not be stopped, arrested or searched if they are suspected of having smaller quantities of drugs for their own use. But those who sell narcotic drugs must still be prosecuted. – I believe that we should continue to use energy and effort to catch those who introduce, who sell, i.e. who enable others to use drugs, says Maurud. – But then I strongly believe that we must spend energy on preventive activities. Explain even more clearly the harmful effects and effects of drug use, he continues. – Sensational, says Frp Fremskrittspartiet’s justice policy spokesperson, Per-Willy Amundsen reacts strongly to the attorney general’s statements. – It is very surprising that the attorney general comes up with very clear political opinions on his own behalf, he says to news. – In a matter where there is great disagreement and dispute, in fact a rather heated dispute within the Storting, it is very problematic that the attorney general comes up with very clear political opinions, he continues. Photo: Bjørn Inge Bergestuen / The Progress Party The Progress Party voted against the Solberg government’s drug reform last year. Now Amundsen believes that Maurud’s statements shake the distinction between the Storting and the courts. – It is very important that we have a clear distinction between the Storting as legislator, and the courts and the public prosecutor’s office, which must deal with the legislation that the Storting actually passes, he says. – It is about his understanding of his role. He should keep an arm’s length distance from the political reality, from the political assessments made in the Storting. Because in the next instance he is the one who must follow up the political decisions that the Storting makes. The Attorney General did not want to comment on Amundsen’s statements.
