The Aschehoug prize 2023 to author Ingvar Ambjørnsen – news Culture and entertainment

– I am both surprised and happy to be awarded this year’s Aschehoug prize. It is a great honour, writes Ingvar Ambjørnsen in an e-mail to news. Today, the Aschehoug Prize was awarded for the 50th time during the publisher’s garden party in Oslo. It goes to someone who, according to the jury, has been a “countercultural voice outside the literary establishment.” PRIZE WINNER: Ingvar Ambjørnsen made his debut in 1976. Black humor and sour social criticism are something the jury highlights in the authorship of the prize winner. Photo: news – He has invented a character, Elling, who has hit almost everyone. There is something of Elling in everyone, says jury leader Jon Rognlien. But that is not the only reason why Ambjørnsen won the award: – His broad success can overshadow the fact that he is an exquisite stylist with strong depictions of nature, a flair for drama and strong social commitment, adds Rognlien. The prize winner was not present during the presentation due to illness, but was not honored any less for that reason. The Aschehoug Prize has gone to some of the biggest names in Norwegian literature, including Jon Fosse, Dag Solstad, Vigdis Hjorth and Linn Ullmann. – Distinctive look at the lonely CRIME TO THE YOUTH: Death in Oslo S (1988) is the second book in the series about Pelle and the Proffen, and takes Oslo’s backside. This was made into a film in 1990. Photo: Cappelen Damm Ambjørnsen is behind two of the most widely read novel series in recent Norwegian literature: the youth book series about Pelle and the Proffen, and the books about the outsider Elling. He has a special eye for the lonely and strange souls, says the jury. Ambjørnsen’s stories are still captivating – for example, the story about Pelle and the Professor was turned into a theater for the first time this year. Several of his books have been made into films, and the first of three films about the outsider Elling was nominated for an Oscar in 2002. Actor Per Christian Ellefsen played the role of Elling. He tells news during the award ceremony that Ambjørnsen has had a lot to say to many people. – He really deserves this award. He has been a great encouragement to everyone who has struggled a little extra – and that is what many of us do. He has done a lot for people with his work and for the respect I have for people, says Ellefsen. 30 YEARS: This year it is 30 years since the Elling character was created. Here from the recording of the third film, “Love me tomorrow” (2005), with Per Christian Ellefsen in the lead role. Photo: Erichsen / SCANPIX – He really deserves this award. Now he has secured eternal life, adds the shoemaker. Ambjørnsen made his debut in 1976 and has had a varied authorship. He is behind several novels, short stories, essays, crime stories and children’s and youth books. The Aschehoug Prize is a literary prize that has been awarded annually since 1973. It is an honorary prize for Norwegian authors, regardless of which publisher the author is associated with. The award consists of a statuette and an amount of NOK 100,000. FRAMLEIS CURRENT: The Swedish actors on their relationship with the cult classic: – It was love, and you got into the characters, and now I’m Pelle!
