The artists are in place and the police are tightening security around the Melodi Grand Prix final – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– I hope that whoever wins the MGP this year speaks highly of Palestine. The finalist in Melodi Grand Prix, MIIA, wins. She is together with the other finalists in place in Trondheim before the big MGP final. – We will welcome 8,000 festive people and we will ensure that it will be a pleasant experience for everyone who comes, regardless of their intentions. That’s what Terje Marriott, the daily manager of Trondheim Spektrum, says. Because it is announced that people are coming to demonstrate. – I have facilitated that and I am betting that it will be pleasant for the demonstrators as well, he adds with a smile. Surprised by Israeli participation Several of the artists who participated in this year’s MGP final have stated that they do not support Israel being allowed to participate. Both Gåte and Keiino are unsure of what they will do if they win the Norwegian final. – When I was asked to join, I was unsure because I know that Israel has been involved in the past. And it is nothing new that Israel is an occupying power. They have occupied Palestinian territory for a long time, says the artist MIIA. And she is not alone in thinking that. – It is more about being a human being with a heart, than that it is so much about politics in this matter. Finalist Gothminister says so. Both have used the notice from MGP to express their opinion on the situation in Gaza. – This is one way I can show who I am and what I stand for. I can use my voice, add MIIA. If they win, they will participate in the international final in Malmö and use their voices both for song and protest. – It is more about being a human being with a heart, than that it is so much about politics in this case, says Gothminister. Own area for the demonstrators During the Norwegian final in Trondheim spektrum, the demonstrators get their own area outside where the public will enter. – We are prepared for and make arrangements for it, so that they can use their freedom of expression, explains Marriott. But he is sure that there will be a good atmosphere for everyone at the MGP final. – And if something happens that is not quite by the book, I also handle it in a good way, he adds. Together with the police, the organizer has made plans and measures for all possible situations that may arise. – I am well prepared for this. Section leader Øyvind Lorentzen in Trøndelag police district says there is always a risk that someone will mark their position without giving notice in advance. – But we have plans that we have implemented to prevent this, adds Lorentzen. Photo: Kai Rune Kvitstein / news This is according to section leader for prevention and patrol in Trondheim city centre, Øyvind Lorentzen. He says the police have good experience with such events and is sure that it will go well. – We want to ensure a safe and secure implementation and hope that both artists and the audience have a pleasant evening. But the day of the final is not the first time someone has demonstrated against Israel’s participation in Eurovision. Demand boycott and ban Israel participated in Eurovision. That is why many demand a boycott. About 300 artists demand that Israel be banned from the Eurovision final in Malmö in May. And the day before the Norwegian final, shareholders met outside news’s ​​premises at Tyholt in Trondheim. – We have to look past our own joy of gathering together and watching the Grand Prix, says campaign manager Eiv Rindal. The campaigners demand a cultural boycott of Eurovision, since Israel will participate. – The current situation is completely unacceptable and morally insane. The day before the MGP final, demonstrators stood outside news’s ​​premises at Tyholt in Trondheim. Photo: Elina Rydland Ørnhaug / news – It is not up to news But entertainment editor at news, Charlo Halvorsen, says it is not up to news as a public broadcaster to take a position on a cultural boycott of a country in conflict. – It is up to the Storting and the government to do that, he says. Broadcasting manager Vibeke Fürst Haugen said when the matter came up in the Broadcasting Council that news will not advocate a boycott. – Advocating for a boycott of Israel will weaken news’s ​​credibility as a news broadcaster. Both she and Halvorsen say people have the right to protest and disagree with news. – The brutal war in Gaza naturally affects many. And it is a natural part of our freedom of expression to express our opinion through a demonstration, says Halvorsen. The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) says it is out of the question to exclude Israel. See explanation of why Israel has not been banned from Eurovision: Why can Israel take part in Eurovision, and not Russia? Both Russia and Israel are at war. Why does one country get to participate, but not the other? Many people find this difficult to understand.
