The Armed Forces spends 48 million on clean-up – news Nordland

The Armed Forces’ logistics organization did not have the opportunity to be interviewed, but answers news’s ​​questions in writing. Here are the answers from Malin Fagerhus, head of department for support categories in the Armed Forces’ logistics organization. – Why did you go for a direct purchase? – The accident area is located in rough terrain in Beiarn outside Bodø, and aircraft parts had to be found, cut up and transported to Bodø airbase before the area grows again as a result of spring arrival. Therefore, it was urgent to get wreckage out. All wreckage must be removed as a result of belonging to another nation and being part of their investigation. It was therefore not possible to comply with the deadlines for the general procedures in the Public Procurement Regulations (FOA) Part III, and there is a legal basis in FOA to exempt the procurement from announcement. – How did you land on the chosen supplier? – The assignment was first sought to be solved by using an existing framework agreement for helicopter services, but the scope became too large and the supplier announced that they unfortunately could not set the total scope of the assignment. The United State Marine Corps (USMC) has been in dialogue with the selected supplier early in the investigation phase. The supplier has local knowledge that is crucial to solving the assignment. – There are several operators who could take the assignment, they were asked? Why / Why not? See answer above. – We have talked to a supplier who would have made an offer for the assignment, if they were asked. Thoughts on this? – In this case, there was no time and opportunity to conduct a major market research to look for potentially other suppliers. How has the value of the contract of 48,500,000 been arrived at? – It is a matter of negotiation between the supplier and USMC. – The accident happened on March 18. The contract was entered into on 30 May. Isn’t two months enough to actually complete a contest? Why / why not? – When the assignment came to FLO, there was not enough time to conduct market research, design the basis for competition, qualification of suppliers, evaluation of offers and possibly. negotiations by May 15, 2022. – If there was no time to conduct full competition, why were no other alternatives used? (Limited tender competition or competition with negotiation after prior announcement, etc.) See previous answers. – The contract was entered into on 30 May. Why then does it take a month before the contract is announced? – On the basis of internal case processing time. – When will the work be finished? The work has been completed and an inspection report is available. Remaining materials such as plastic tape, helicopter plating etc. removed these days. – In the announcement you write: The assignment is of short duration, clearly defined and limited to what is strictly necessary. What’s in this? What is needed and what is not? The time frame for the assignment was short-lived and the assignment is limited to only cleaning up wreckage from the accident area. – Who takes the final bill? United State Marine Corps – How challenging does the Armed Forces consider the cleanup to be? Wreckage has been removed in a demanding area that has periodically had to be exposed due to bad weather conditions. In addition, fuel is pumped out and air compressors are emptied at a safe meeting. The accident area was also to be inspected and approved in accordance with the environmental requirements and standards that follow from Norwegian law. The assignment is considered demanding, but Arctic Aviation has done a very thorough job in connection with the clean-up of the accident site and in relation to the Norwegian Environment Agency, the Armed Forces can ensure that the clean-up is done in a very satisfactory manner.
