– The agreement is too difficult to pass on – news Culture and entertainment

– When the press release came yesterday, it was surprising to us, but the result is not surprising, says broadcasting manager Vibeke Fürst Haugen. news concludes that the commercial ties to the two profiles are too extensive for it to be combined with ongoing podcast production for news. – This agreement is too difficult for us to continue, and we have been in dialogue with them about some frameworks and assumptions that other contractors have, says Haugen. Working on the way forward Manager for Williams, Wilde Siem, informs news that they are now working on what will be the way forward for the podcast. It has not been possible for news to get a comment from Isachsen or Williams after the breach, but Isachsen writes on Instagram that it is surprising that news seems unsure of its choice: “A little over a year ago, I appeared on news’s ​​pitch days and competed with several other profiles about becoming part of news’s ​​entertainment portfolio. Fortunately for us, we were elected, despite our commercial ties. news said “yes” to Sophie and Fetishia well informed, knowing what we do for a living and probably with a desire to reach those we meet with the content we have created for a number of years. It is therefore surprising to us that news only a few months later seems uncertain about its choice”. Photo: Facsimile from Instagram / @sophieelise – It’s important to try the collaboration The head of broadcasting explains that there are many contractors at news who have other activities than outside of work at news, which is regulated through agreements. – This time we tried to enter into a collaboration with an influencer who has high commercial activity, and then we wanted to have ongoing podcast production throughout the year. We tried some frameworks around what turned out to be too difficult, says Haugen. She emphasizes that it was important to try this collaboration. – news must have a lot of room for expression, we must test new things and must be brave. Then I have to gather experience and learn from it. NEW: The head of broadcasting says in a press release on Thursday evening that news wanted to try something new. Now she admits that the collaboration was too difficult. Photo: Anton Lier / Anton Lier / news In a press release on Thursday evening, acting director Charlo Halvorsen for the Marienlystdivision in news thanks the two influencers for the collaboration. Recorded podcast On Tuesday, news Entertainment and Sophie Elise’s management met for a conversation about how her agreement with the media house is structured. At the same time, Sophie Elise and Fetisha recorded a podcast with news, something they both announced on Instagram. There, Fetisha commented on the press corps outside news. – There is so much confusion outside the news building today, I wonder why, says Fetisha. – I wonder if it is because there are some celebrities here. – Yes, I wonder if there are any celebrities who will record podcasts. Hope they got hold of them, replies Fetisha. In recent conversations with Sophie Elise’s management, news has talked about her financial ties. One point in the talks has been whether Isachsen should be able to have income from other commercial collaborations during the period she makes podcasts for news, news Nyheiter is told. Broadcasting manager Vibeke Fürst Haugen addressed the same in a comment article on news.no on Thursday. Flare up after Instagram photo Sofie Steen Isachsen, best known as Sophie Elise, was connected to news with the podcast “Sophie og Fetisha”, which she has together with her friend Fetisha Williams. The podcast premiered on news on 28 September 2022 with this introduction: “Sophie is out of rehab, Fetisha is out of 71° North and both have moved into a pink, fur-clad studio at news. Premiere of a new podcast from your favorite influencers!” Sophie Elise’s agreement with news received new attention after she published a picture on Instagram on Sunday 12 February, which was later deleted. In the picture, one saw Sophie Elise and another influencer. The other held a small bag, apparently of white powder, in one hand. It is not known what the bag contained. Neither Sophie Elise nor the woman who held the bag has commented on what it contained. Sophie Elise has written on Instagram that the picture should never have been published. The Broadcasting Council has received 4,130 complaints after the picture was posted. It is still not the picture that has been the subject of the recent meeting between news and Sophie Elise. Sofie Steen Isachsen was connected to news through the podcast “Sophie og Fetisha” until Thursday evening. Her client was news Entertainment. news Nyheiter works journalistically independently with this case.
