The accused will not explain himself – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– The accused was scheduled to be questioned today, but has exercised his right not to give a statement, says police inspector Unni Byberg Malmin. A man was found seriously injured yesterday, and shortly afterwards he was pronounced dead by a doctor at Åkra in Karmøy municipality. A man in his 20s was arrested near the scene and is charged with murder. Malmin says that the accused will be produced for remand on Monday. Unni Byberg Malmin is a police inspector in the South-West police district. Photo: Ingvild Stuedal Taranger / news – We know that they live near each other. It is important for the further investigation to clarify the relationship and motive for the act, says Malmin. On Sunday morning, the police announced that they had seized what they believe to be the murder weapon. – We have found what we believe to be the murder weapon. We are working hard today with tactical and technical investigation, says Malmin. No decision has been taken on the question of guilt The accused man’s defender, Sigurd Rønningen, says that his client consents to remand. – He understands that the police need time to clarify the course of events in more detail. The accused man has not taken a stand on the question of guilt. Sigurd Rønningen is the defense attorney for the accused after the murder of Åkra in Karmøy municipality. Photo: Ingvild Stuedal Taranger / news – There is a primary psychiatric assessment of him and there will probably be a full forensic psychiatric assessment in connection with questions about sanity, says Rønningen. The police rushed to the scene following a report of serious violence from a witness at the scene at 20.34 on Saturday evening. The scene is outdoors. Last night, the police and crime technicians worked on the technical and tactical investigation of the case. The police also carried out inquiries in the area last night. Dog teams have also searched the area. The deceased has not been formally identified, but the police have a guess as to who he is and are in the process of notifying next of kin. The mayor of Karmøy municipality, Leiv Arne Marhaug, says that it is a tragic incident. – We think of those left behind and those affected. Those who live in the immediate area are also particularly affected. It is a shock that something like this can happen, says Marhaug. Video of the incident is being spread The police are aware that a video of parts of the incident has been filmed which has been shared on social media. – We encourage people who receive this not to share it further, says police attorney Fredrik Martin Soma. Malmin confirms that they have been sent a film. – We have been sent a video that shows parts of a sequence of events. It is unclear to the police how far into the sequence of events the video is. Today we got in touch with the person who is supposed to have taken the video. We will have him in for questioning today. Mayor Marhaug has also registered that there is a video that is now being spread of the incident. – Those who have it should delete it immediately. It is tragic that some film and share it on social media. It is totally unacceptable. The police will question the person who filmed the incident on Sunday. Photo: Kjell Bua Soma will not say anything until Sunday night if the two involved belong to a specific environment on Karmøy. – We will have to come back to that later. It is too early to go out with information about it now, he says. Published 16.06.2024, at 10.34 Updated 16.06.2024, at 14.48
