The accused was admitted to a closed psychiatric hospital – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

The man accused of the double murder in Otta on Monday evening has had a long history with mental health and the healthcare system, the man’s defender Anders Bjørnsen has previously confirmed to news. Now he confirms that his client was admitted to Bredebygden Psychiatric Hospital, a now closed institution in Otta. – Much of the reason why he came to Otta was probably the treatment at Bredebygden, says Bjørnsen to news on Friday evening. The man’s defender, Anders Bjørnsen, says it cannot possibly have been positive for the accused that the Bredebygden Psychiatric Hospital was closed down. Photo: Roar Berntsen / news It was VG who mentioned the case first. Closure negative for accused Bjørnsen confirms that the accused murderer was admitted to Bredebygden. Those accused of the murders in Otta were admitted here, at the Bredebygden Psychiatric Hospital. The institution is now closed. Photo: Anders Bakkerud Larsen / news – I am sure that he has been admitted to Bredebygden. – Seen from the outside, it cannot possibly have been positive for him that it was shut down, says Bjørnsen to news. Earlier on Friday, Bjørnsen told news that the victims appear to be random. – There has apparently been a persistent and fairly constant contact with the healthcare system ever since he first came into contact with them more than 20 years ago, says Bjørnsen. He says that the whole thing appears to be “a result of mental health and pure coincidence”. Naturally with debate Ottværinger news spoke to in the days after the murder highlights the closure of Bredebygden as an engaging topic in the village. – There are many here who are such patients, so why they closed down the nice place over there, I can’t understand. Why is it empty when it could be used, asks Grete Stellander Aasen. Grete Stellander Aasen from Otta thinks it is stupid that Bredebygden was closed down. Photo: Mathias Revheim-Rafaelsen Defense attorney Bjørnsen believes it is now natural for there to be a debate. – It is not unnatural that there is now a debate about such institutions out in the districts.
