The accused in the Spydeberg case remanded in custody for four weeks – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The twins Mille Andrea and Mina Alexandra Hjalmarsen (16) were found dead in a home in Spydeberg on the night of Sunday. The police had then responded to an emergency call about a possible overdose. A third girl was taken to hospital. The police have not disclosed her state of health, but say she has been questioned. She has the status of a witness. Charges extended A man in his 20s has been remanded in custody for four weeks, charged with negligent homicide. An 18-year-old man was initially charged with selling drugs to the girls. Ahead of Tuesday’s prison hearing, the charge against him was expanded. It now also includes having left the girls in a helpless state. – There is background in information that has come through the investigation, says police attorney Benedicte Granerud about the extended charge. Police attorney Benedicte Granerud. Photo: Mathias Lunde Kristoffersen / news On Tuesday afternoon, he too was detained for four weeks. Two weeks with a ban on letters and visitors, according to the ruling from Follo and Nordre Østfold District Court. The man consented to imprisonment, but does not plead guilty. The 18-year-old has previously been convicted of a number of robberies, including on the subway in Oslo. The police have received the autopsy report, but do not want to say anything about what it says. – We do not want to go into more detail about the type of fabric. It is too early to say. We are still in an early phase of the investigation, says Granerud to news. She also does not want to say anything about what witnesses have explained, or the relationship between the accused and the girls. Does not plead guilty – He consents to imprisonment, even if he does not plead guilty, says defender Johannes Bakkevig after the imprisonment meeting. – Was he in the apartment? – There is a lot that is claused. And I don’t have any comments beyond what I have said, answers Bakkevig. He says the client is a young man who is affected by the situation. Assistance lawyer Inger Marie Støen says the parents are left with many questions: – What has happened? Why are we where we are now? There are many questions, but there is no question of trying to get answers to them right now. Now the parents need peace and protection, says Støen. ASSISTANCE ATTORNEY: Inger Marie Støen. Photo: Anders Bakkerud Larsen / news Missing report one day before Police attorney Benedicte Granerud says the police received a report that the girls were missing from the institution approximately one day in advance. The patrols were then asked to look for the girls. – It was one of the measures to look for them after they were reported missing from intuition. Those are the specific things that were done, says Granerud to news. It was the man who is now charged with negligent homicide who called the police on Sunday night. – When the police are notified of the emergency call, it is a short time before we are on the scene. As for what is in the short term, I don’t want to go into any more detail about that, says Granerud. Bufetat confirms that the two young people who died had measures taken by child protection. The state administrator in Oslo and Viken has informed news that they are investigating the case, and that it has a high priority.
