The 19-year-old Hans Niemann rages after being accused of cheating – goes out against Magnus Carlsen – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– To see my hero try to destroy my reputation and career is incredibly disappointing. You look up to someone your whole life, and then you meet them. I lived my dream for a day when I beat Magnus, but then this happened, says Niemann in an interview with the organizer of the major tournament in St. Louis. After the Norwegian star player with white chips suffered a very surprising loss against the American Niemann, Carlsen withdrew from the tournament. The way he did it makes Niemann react. – I have always enjoyed playing in Sinquefield and I hope to return in the future, Carlsen wrote on Twitter. He had also attached a YouTube clip of football manager José Mourinho saying: “if I talk, I’ll be in big trouble”. Niemann believes that was a clear insinuation of cheating. – After the match, Magnus published the tweet, with open insinuations and then everyone jumps on. The fact is that he did it that way without saying anything, he knew what insinuations would follow. There are thousands of tweets with people attacking me, says Niemann. news has tried several times to get a comment from manager Henrik Carlsen on this matter, but has not been successful. Admits cheating After Carlsen withdrew, the former arch-rival of the Norwegian, and Niemann’s compatriot, Hikaru Nakamura came with new debts. On his Twitch channel, Nakamura said that Carlsen withdrew from the tournament because Niemann cheated. He also said that Niemann was banned from the website, where chess is played online, because of cheating. Niemann now admits that this is true, and that he cheated twice in online matches. – When I was 12 years old, I played a tournament with a friend. We had a tablet with a chess computer, and he started giving me moves from him. It was in a tournament with prize money. Four years later, when I was 16, I just wanted to get a higher ranking on so I could play against better players. So I cheated in random matches without prize money on I was confronted about it, and I confessed. It is the biggest mistake of my life and I am ashamed, says Niemann. DEBTORS: Hikaru Nakamura directs debtors about cheating against Hans Niemann. Photo: Lennart Ootes / FIDE He insists that he would not cheat in a real match. – I’m going out with this now, and it may ruin my reputation forever, but I want people to know the truth. I’m very ashamed, but remember I was 16. I didn’t want to hurt anyone, and these were random fights. I could never do that in a real match, says Niemann. Opens to be checked before the match Niemann is still in the big tournament in St. Louis, and is currently in second place by half a point. The accusations of cheating online have now also led to accusations of cheating across the board, but the American is open to all means of disproving it. – They can do any check on me before the matches. They can tie me to a chair completely naked if they want. I don’t care, I do. I know I’m clean. I can play in a closed box that blocks electricity. Just say what they want me to do, says Niemann. Competitor Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, who plays the tournament in St. Louis and is ranked number 12 in the world right now, defends Niemann. – I think this has turned into a witch hunt, and the effect it can have on Hans is crushing. I don’t know if he cheated, but based on the information I now have, I don’t think so, says the Frenchman. WITHDRAWN: Magnus Carlsen withdrew from the tournament in St. Louis after the loss against Niemann. Photo: ARUN SANKAR / AFP Niemann now claims that he is banned from as a result of the statements of Nakamura and Carlsen, and that he is refused to participate in the major online tournament Global Chess Championship on the website. – Because of the fight against Magnus and because of what he said, they have removed me completely from the website. I will not let, Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura – perhaps the three biggest parts of chess – destroy my reputation. The question is why they removed me from right after I beat Magnus, he says and claims he has not been given a reason for the exclusion. – That they have chosen to jump on Magnus’ insinuations and Hikaru’s very direct accusations – I think it is very unfair and a direct attack. They have only done this because of what Magnus and Hikaru have said.
