The 18-year-olds built an illegal tower – now the ten-metre viewing tower will be allowed to stand – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It’s absolutely fantastic, says Joel Eggers. The tower Eggers and his friend Samuel Jäck built on municipal land without permission created a fierce commitment. A separate association of friends was founded, and they got a consulting firm on board. The 18-year-olds have been waiting anxiously for a decision. Do they have to tear it down, or can it be left standing? Joel Eggers and Samuel Jäck are the boys behind the construction. Photo: Asbjørn Odd Berge / news That’s why the politicians said yes Now the politicians in Vennesla have decided that the tower will be allowed to stand. – Here lies a great opportunity for Vennesla’s population to make a pilgrimage to this tower. There will be good public health, well-being and a meeting point for people who want to go out into the countryside, says mayor Nils Olav Larsen. The mayor is aware that the case has generated a lot of interest. – Normally this is not okay and there are many principles that must be taken into account. We have had many good discussions and when everything was weighed up, we ended up with a positive decision. The prerequisite for the tower to be allowed to stand is that it becomes public and accessible to everyone. From wooden cabin to observation tower What started as a boyhood dream of a wooden cabin in the forest ended up as a ten-metre observation tower. What the two 18-year-olds had not thought about when they started the building project was that they would have to apply for permission to build on the municipality’s land. When employees from the municipality saw the tower, they were in for a surprise. Since then, it has been uncertain whether the tower will be allowed to stand. – If in the worst case we have to take it down, it was fun anyway while it lasted, Samuel Jäck told news earlier this year. But now the tower is allowed to stand, on the condition that it becomes a public offer that walkers can make use of. This ten-metre tower has been up for discussion in the chairmanship of Vennesla municipality today. They decided that the tower is allowed to stand. Photo: Asbjørn Odd Berge / news Great commitment The case has generated great commitment, and recently the association Tårnet’s Friends was founded. Chairman of the association Daniel Bakken himself became convinced that the tower had to stand after taking a trip up to look at it. – It was amazing. It was so well built. When it’s so spectacular, it’s too crazy to tear it down. Bakken is happy that the municipality is letting the tower stand. It is now the work for the association starts. – We have to get sponsors, people who are willing to be responsible for the work. We are also going to apply for money for Tårnet’s friends, he says. In addition, a consulting firm from Oslo has agreed to be responsible for 40 hours of work to ensure that the construction work is approved. Because even if the municipality allows the boys to use the land, the tower must still go through a construction case and be approved as safe for the public to use. Daniel Bakken believes the tower is too wonderful to be demolished. Through the association Friends of the Tower, he must ensure that the tower is maintained and operated safely. Photo: Vetle Hjortland / news Will have to think a little about the next time Eggers and Jäck are themselves on the board of Tårnet’s friends and will thus be involved in maintenance and further operation. Before they start new projects, the tower must be completed. And for the next project, they have at least learned one thing: – You should think a bit before you start, says Jäck.
