That’s why people are so concerned about which side they sleep on – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

“Someone slept in my bed!” said the mother bear in the fairy tale “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. This is rarely a problem in the real world, but for some it is absolutely essential to be able to sleep on the “correct” side of the bed, regardless of moving to a new home – or staying in a hotel. – It becomes a habit, and then it sticks, and you may carry it with you for the rest of your life, says neuroscientist and doctor at the Department of Neurology at Drammen Hospital, Marte Roa Syvertsen. Do you struggle to fall asleep? Yes Sometimes No Show result Safe on one side In recent weeks, several media have referred to a British survey, made by a bed manufacturer, which supposedly documents that most people prefer the left side of the bed, seen from the foot end. According to the survey, those people have a more positive attitude to life. – I don’t think it matters and made me want to read that study. There are many different types of research, and you can prove almost anything. It is a bit difficult to understand the connection here, says Syvertsen. Nevertheless: – Position in bed can of course, considering your habits, affect how well you sleep. And it can go beyond the quality of your sleep and then also your mood, if you don’t get sleep. – Which side do you sleep on? – Right side. Concerns In an equally unceremonious survey news conducted with listeners, more than half answered that they prefer the left side. If it is representative, many sleep on an unwanted side of the relationship. Sleep is an eternal topic, both in research and in families around the country. In recent years, there has been a particular focus on young adults sleeping too little. In a recent survey, 6 out of 10 answered that worries, thoughts and the mobile phone keep them awake at night. Sleep is important for both physical and mental health. Sleep problems are one of the most common health problems in the population, according to the Directorate of Health. School-age children need 9-11 hours of sleep, while most adults need 7-8 hours to feel rested. If you wake up refreshed and don’t feel tired in the afternoon, you are probably getting enough sleep. Cleansing the brain … Marte Roa Syvertsen says that the most important thing is to acquire good routines. Both with regard to the last hours of the evening, as well as bedtime and when you should get up. – Are there any sleeping positions that stand out as better than others? – In that case, it must be about muscles and the shell, so that you don’t get on your nerves, for example. Recent research has been carried out on the drainage of cerebrospinal fluid, i.e. the fluid that surrounds the brain and helps to clean the brain of waste substances, but then it becomes very detailed, considering that there must be a passage for it. – Yes, how can it be worthwhile to sleep, in order to drain the brain as best as possible? – A Norwegian study has looked at this with regard to breathing, and that it may have something to say. But I think maybe we should focus mostly on just relaxing. Close your eyes and take it easy. Eight good sleep tips Regular exercise. Do not sleep during the day. Get up at the same time every day. See daylight quickly after getting up. Limit light at night. Avoid caffeine after 5pm. Avoid looking at the clock if you wake up at night. Create a bedtime ritual. Source: National Center for Sleep Medicine
