That is why Widerøe and Norwegian are collaborating on tickets – news Nordland

Norwegian and Widerøe have a press conference about the collaboration at 10.00. The companies write in a press release on Tuesday morning. – The letter of intent means that we will expand the ticket cooperation between Widerøe and Norwegian, says CEO Stein Nilsen in Widerøe to news. The agreement means that travelers will be able to book their entire trip through one of the two airlines, even if you have to change companies along the way. You can also combine travel at home and abroad all the way to the destination. – The big advantage for customers is that you get help from the airlines if irregularities occur, and that the companies will take responsibility for completing the entire journey. INCLUDES COOPERATION: Norwegian aircraft on the ground and Widerøe aircraft taking off at Værnes Airport outside Trondheim. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB No connection with the SAS strike Widerøe currently has a ticket collaboration with 65 other airlines, and in 2018 they entered into a collaboration with Norwegian on travel on the short-haul network in Norway. – Then there has been a discussion about whether we should expand this collaboration, but naturally this has not been at the top of the agenda during the pandemic. Therefore, it is very gratifying that we can now take the next step. Widerøe already has such a collaboration with SAS, and says that this will be continued. – Does the SAS strike have anything to do with the agreement being entered into right now? – No, this process started long before that. The specific discussions are six months back and three months since we in Widerøe decided that this was the right way to go. Then there has been much else in this industry that we only now, with a little holiday break, had time to complete this agreement. To be used in the autumn There is still some technical work left with the ticket solution, but Nilsen says he hopes that the first passengers can book the first passengers this autumn. Norwegian CEO, Geir Karlsen, says that they are very satisfied with the cooperation agreement. – Our goal is for the collaboration to be for the benefit of both companies’ passengers, but also our employees. In many ways, the agreement is historic, that two Norwegian airlines now find together, CEO Geir Karlsen of Norwegian.
