Test your royal knowledge – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

1/10 Surname Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB What is the name of Princess Ingrid Alexandra? Rex Glücksburg The most common surname in Norway at any given time She does not have a surname 2/10 Moves up Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB When does Princess Ingrid Alexandra go from being a princess to becoming a crown princess? When she turns 18 When her father, Crown Prince Haakon, turns 50 The second King Harald dies, Haakon automatically becomes king, and Ingrid Alexandra becomes crown princess When she finishes upper secondary school 3/10 Coronation Photo: Bjørn Sigurdsøn / NTB In the picture we see King Harald and Queen Sonja with the royal crown in the foreground, the year they became king and queen. Should Princess Ingrid Alexandra be crowned in a separate ceremony when she becomes queen? Yes, she is not a real queen until she is crowned No, we no longer have the coronation of royalty in Norway No, only kings are crowned, not queens Only if the government wants it 4/10 Royal crown Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB Where often she will use the crown when she becomes queen? Every Friday Never When there is a gala dinner at the Palace Once a year – at the Storting’s solemn opening 5/10 Ingrid the first Photo: Lise Åserud / POOL / NTB When she one day becomes queen, she becomes queen Ingrid I of Norway. What does “I” mean? That she is the first queen regent in Norway named Ingrid That she is «number 1» in the royal family That she is the only royal in the world named Ingrid That she is the first in Norway named Ingrid 6/10 Arverekken Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Princess Ingrid Alexandra is Crown Prince Haakon’s eldest child and will therefore inherit the throne from him. So why should Crown Prince Haakon inherit the throne from King Harald when he has an older sister, Princess Märtha Louise? Princess Märtha Louise did not want to be queen Crown Prince Haakon won the lottery Earlier, the Constitution said that only boys could inherit the throne The people voted for Crown Prince Haakon through a referendum 7/10 Must be a Christian? Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix In August 2019, Princess Ingrid Alexandra was confirmed in the Castle Chapel. If she wants to convert to a religion other than Christianity when she’s queen, can she? Yes, of course, there is religious freedom in Norway Yes, if she marries someone who belongs to another religion Then the people must first approve it through a vote on the internet No, as a monarch she must be a member of the Church of Norway 8/10 May the heir to the throne be gay? Photo: Netflix In the series «Young Royals», the character Prince Wilhelm falls in love with another boy, Simon. What if it had happened in reality? Can a Norwegian heir to the throne marry someone of the same sex? No, then he / she must renounce his / her place in the succession Yes, the Constitution does not say anything about who the heir to the throne can marry Yes, but only if the couple promises to have children Only if the partner is another royal 9/10 Salary Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB No, they must want money as a Christmas present Yes, they get paid in the form of appanage No, they use the money they have inherited Yes, but only every other year 10/10 Family ties to the United Kingdom’s royal family Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB Princess Ingrid Alexandra will probably be queen of Norway at the same time as Prince William is king of Great Britain. In what way are the two related? They are cousins ​​They are three cousins ​​They are five cousins ​​Prince William is Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s uncle Your result You must answer all the questions first.
