Tesla overrepresented in the complaint statistics – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Since Tesla entered the Norwegian market, sales have increased year by year. Tesla is now Norway’s best-selling car, with 21,303 new cars sold in 2022. Another top rating Tesla retains is the number of complaints, according to figures news has received from the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority. Last year, half of all mediation cases about new cars concerned new Tesla cars, 83 out of a total of 168 new car cases. The Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority mediates between dissatisfied consumers and traders and will not say anything about the figures. They leave that to the Consumer Council. – Very boring: Lawyer Thomas Iversen in the Consumer Council sympathizes with Tesla owners who have to spend time correcting mistakes on a new car. Photo: Helen Mehammer / Consumer Council – Typical faults with Tesla can typically be that the panels are not put together properly, paint that comes off and lights that don’t work as they should. It’s really boring when you’ve just picked up a new car, says Thomas Iversen, a lawyer at the Consumer Council. Most complaints per car New car sales in Norway are around 175,000 cars a year. Tesla is most popular, but only accounts for twelve percent of sales. Thus, Tesla is overrepresented in complaints. – Some Tesla owners experience getting the fault fixed straight away, while others have to both nag and wait a long time without a car that has been fixed, says Thomas Iversen – Tesla has sold many cars in Norway, isn’t it natural that there are complaints? – Of course, it is natural that there will be a number of complaints when you sell many cars, but Tesla has a great many complaints per car on the road, in fact the most in the country, points out the consumer lawyer. Tesla in Norway has received repeated inquiries from news for several weeks, but we have not received a reply. Repetitive failure At the Norwegian Automobile Association’s (NAF) test station at Økern in Oslo, there are Tesla cars on the stands every single working day. When news visits, two Tesla cars are being tested. Recurring errors: Control arms and suspension are something technical consultant in NAF lawyer Audun Bergerud always checks on Tesla cars. Photo: Siri Vålberg Saugstad / news Audun Bergerud is a technical consultant at NAF. He has 44 years of experience and knows what to look for. – Air suspension can have leaks and faults, you have to change the front and rear, it will cost around NOK 100,000. Bergerud lifts the car up and goes under to show news a common mistake. – The support arms can actually break across. Then the wheel leans in towards the car and you should not drive on – then you can suffer even more damage. Bergerud is often Naf’s expert in court cases. He believes that the control arms and suspension in Tesla’s cars must last far beyond the 100,000 kilometers that Tesla believes will last. Recently, the Oslo district court agreed with Bergerud, and a woman got Tesla to cover half the cost of new suspension on the car. Defects in paintwork and steering news spoke earlier this week with a Tesla owner who wanted to cancel the purchase of his new car. news has taken a closer look at 60 of the total of 431 mediation cases that have come to the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority since 2021 about Tesla. Typical errors that are repeated are missing or flaking paint, cracked lamp lenses and incorrect assembly of panels and doors. Six complaints are about errors in the driver assistance system. Two complaints were about steering and brakes. Three cases of parking assistant. Many of the cars have several faults. Blame it on soap: When the lamp lenses in the back of Tesla cars crack, the company blames it on the buyer having washed the car with too strong soap. According to Bergerud, it can also happen at Audi and Mercedes. Photo: Siri Vålberg Saugstad / Siri Vålberg Saugstad Bergerud believes that the paint on Tesla peels faster and withstands far less stone chips than other cars. But there are several expensive car brands that have problems with rear lights. – Mercedes and Audi do like Tesla, they blame too strong soap when the lamp glass cracks. Bergerud shakes his head: A car must withstand washing with soap.
