Terrorist suspect after Oslo shooting requests remand in custody for four weeks – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

This is what police lawyer Ingrid Myrvold tells VG. It is also requested that he be subjected to complete isolation for four weeks and a media ban for two weeks. – The police have not conducted new interrogations, but are ready to accept his explanation if he wants it, Myrvold tells the newspaper. The police’s request for custody for Zaniar Matapour bir was processed as an office business. This means that the request for custody is not processed in a court hearing. Matapour had already announced that he would consent to the request for custody. The court has therefore come to the conclusion that it is unnecessary to hold a separate court hearing to deal with the issue. Will not be questioned Matapour is charged with terror, two murders and several attempted murders. On the night of Saturday 25 June, he drew his weapon and shot around outside several nightclubs in Rosenkrantz ‘gate in central Oslo. He was arrested after a short time, where civilians assisted the police. Matapour did not want to be questioned after the attack. The police will make audio and video recordings of the interrogation, but the accused is afraid that they will then be able to manipulate these. He demands that the interrogations be broadcast to the public if the police are to record them. Watch news’s ​​timeline of the shooting here: Has released the names of those killed Monday morning, the police went out with the names of those killed in the attack. The two killed are Kaare Hesvik and Jon Isachsen. The police go out with the names in consultation with the relatives.
