Terrified parents pleaded with police to storm Texas elementary school – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries

The man who shot and killed 19 children and two teachers at a primary school in Texas on Tuesday, is said to have been inside the school building for 40 minutes. The head of the public safety agency, Steve McCraw, said at a press conference on Friday that it took between 40 minutes and an hour from the perpetrator fired shots until he was shot. Eyewitness accounts from the scene describe terrified parents on the outside who are said to have begged the police to storm the school building. A father suggested entering without waiting for the police. – Let’s just storm in. The police are not doing anything they are supposed to, Javier Cazares is said to have said. He arrived at the school while the attack was still going on on Tuesday. In an interview with the news agency AP, he criticizes the police for having done too little. – They were unprepared. More could have been done, says Cazares. His daughter Jacklyn was in fourth grade and was among the children killed. The 18-year-old perpetrator was eventually shot and killed by officers from the border guard, writes The Guardian. – Go in! Investigators are now working to map out what happened in the approximately 40 minutes the massacre lasted before the perpetrator was shot and killed. During that time, he killed nineteen schoolchildren and two teachers. Outside the school, frustrated witnesses stood and begged the police to strike at the shooter. – Some women shouted «Go in there! Go in there! ” to police after the attack began, says Juan Carranza. The 24-year-old stood outside his house and watched the drama unfold at Robb Elementary School. He also thinks the police could have acted faster. – There were several of them. He was just one. Fortified in classroom Carranza says he saw the perpetrator drive his car into a ditch, before taking his rifle and shooting at two people outside a nearby funeral home. They escaped unharmed. The 18-year-old is also said to have met a security guard outside the school, but it is unclear whether shots were fired in that confrontation. He shot and wounded two policemen who came to the scene. After entering the school, he entered the classroom where all the killings were committed. According to the news agency AP, the perpetrator must have entrenched himself inside the classroom. Avisa also writes that the police have struggled to get a door open. Flowers and balloons have been laid outside the primary school in Uvalde, Texas. Photo: NURI VALLBONA / Reuters
