Ten homes were evacuated due to fire in Ålesund – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

At around 00:30 at night, the emergency manager on the scene states that it may look like they are starting to get the fire under control. – The status now is that the fire service is ready to control the fire as they have wanted, says emergency manager Eva Welle. She adds that the wind direction in the area will help determine how the fire will develop. Operations manager Eva Welle in Ålesund Photo: Silje Steinnes Bjerknes / news The police received a report about the heather fire in Skarbøvika in Ålesund at 10.56pm on Saturday evening. – It burned quite well in the terrain. We are considering evacuating more people if there is a need for it, says police operations manager Eivind Klokkersund. There should be approximately 70 meters from the fire to the nearest building. The police use drones to get an overview. – There is a relatively large area that is burning, says Kjetil Iversen, duty manager at the fire service. He says the wind is currently “favorable”. – So it has not yet been assessed as an acute danger to houses. There is a fire in the terrain at Olsfjellet on the way to Atlanterhavsparken in Ålesund. The cause of the fire is currently unknown. No injuries have been reported. The emergency services are on the scene at the fire on Saturday evening. Photo: Silje Steinnes Bjerknes / news The police urge residents in the immediate area to keep doors and windows closed, and to switch off ventilation systems that are not necessary. There is a yellow warning due to the risk of forest fire in the area. More fires on Saturday This is the second large heather fire reported on Saturday. Throughout much of the day, the fire brigade has been extinguishing the fire in Roan in Trøndelag. – The fire is under control as it stands now, but everything depends on the wind not turning and becoming stronger, says the police’s operations manager Anne Birgitte Arras at 10.17pm on Saturday. The fire service is now using a heat-seeking drone in efforts to extinguish several small fires in the terrain.
