Ten candidates selected to submit proposals for the 22 July memorial site – news Culture and entertainment

The new memorial will be located at the entrance to the new government quarter on Johan Nygaardsvolds plass. It is the state body Art in public spaces (KORO) that is responsible for all art that will enter the new government quarter. The competition to create the national memorial site after 22 July in the government quarter received 220 applications. The jury has now decided which ten candidates will make sketch proposals for the memorial site. Among the candidates who will submit their proposal are several big names in architecture and art. Among others, architect and founder of Snøhetta, Kjetil Trædal Thorsen, writer and visual artist Matias Faldbakken and architects Beate Hølmebakk and Per Tamsen who designed the current memorial site on Utøya. These will make proposals for a memorial site: Artist Anna Daniell Artist Anne Katrine Dolven and architect Cathrine Vigander Beate Hølmebakk and Per Tamsen who run the architectural office Manthey Kula Founder of Rodeo architects Henning Sunde, visual artist Hanne Tyrmi and landscape architect Rainer Stange Founder of Snøhetta Kjetil Trædal Thorsen, artist Jorunn Sannes and artist Sandra Mujinga Visual artist Marianne Heier Visual artist and writer Matias Faldbakken Artist Merete Røstad and artist and architect Jad El Khoury Monica Narula, Jeebesh Bagchi and Shuddhabrata Sengupta (Raqs Media Collective) Architect and founder of Counterspace Sumayya Vally and artist Suzanne Lacy Send the candidates on the 22 July programme. In the past, there has been a storm around “Memory Wound”, which was designated as a permanent memorial site on Sørbråten by Tyrifjorden. The winning proposal met with great opposition from neighbors and stakeholders, and was eventually shelved. “Memory Wound” was the original winning proposal at Sørbråten. Photo: Jonas Dahlberg Studio / NTB scanpix The work on the memorial site in the Government Quarter will therefore be a comprehensive process, with involvement from all parties concerned. The project also has no end date. – A prerequisite for the assignment is that the process for the memorial site is allowed to take the time it takes. Time is a prerequisite for good involvement, says project manager in KORO, Mari Magnus. Already next week, the ten who have been selected will go through a three-day program on 22 July. – The program involves visits to the 22 July centre, Utøya and the government quarter, and meetings with survivors and survivors of the terrorist attacks, the support group 22 July, AUF, employees in the ministries, and relevant professionals, says Magnus. – Difficult task The 220 who took part in the competition had to show previous work and submit a letter of motivation. Beate Hølmebakk is one of the architects behind the memorial site that is today on Utøya. – The issues related to the task are complex and it was meaningful to work on understanding and giving form to what was difficult. That is why we also applied this time. Memorial on Utøya. Photo: Reidar Westberg / Privat Snøhetta founder Kjetil Trædal Thorsen points out that it is an honor to be chosen. – It is a difficult task. We think that finding a sensitive approach, respectful, but at the same time clear and strong, will require a lot from us. At the same time, it gives us the opportunity to shape a place where you can process a collective grief, far into the future. Snøhetta founder Kjetil Trædal Thorsen. Photo: Petter Sommer / news – Shows that KORO has learned Leader of the national support group after 22 July, Lisbeth Røyneland is satisfied with the work on the memorial so far. – KORO clearly shows that they have learned from previous processes and act inclusively towards all parties, she says. Leader of the national support group after 22 July, Lisbeth Røyneland. – What is important to you when it comes to a new memorial site? – It is primarily important that it becomes a dignified place. The names of all those killed must appear clearly. It is important that the memorial shows that the terror on Utøya and against the Government Quarter was one and the same political attack. – The memorial should not have a deadline for when it will be finished, as before. The support group believes it is important that time pressure does not affect the quality of the implementation of all processes. The memorial should be a place for reflection and a place that can inspire hope for the future, says Røyneland. The way forward for the memorial after 22 July in the Government Quarter The ten selected participants will present their draft proposals at a public event on 6 and 7 June. In the autumn of 2024, the jury will select 3 proposals which will be further developed and reality-oriented in dialogue with key parties. In the spring of 2025, the jury will select 1 winning proposal, which will be further developed and delivered as a preliminary project to the Ministry of Digitization and Administration. The ministry will then decide on how the construction of the memorial site should be carried out, and issue a separate assignment on this.
