Tells that Besseberg feels pre-judged – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It is not something he is looking forward to per se, says defender Christian B. Hjort to news about how Besseberg views what will take place in Buskerud District Court for six weeks from 9 January. Økokrim has charged Besseberg with gross corruption. Besseberg himself denies criminal guilt after the indictment. Hjort points out that it is a strain to complete nearly six weeks in court. – But at the same time, this forum is where he gets the opportunity to respond to the accusations he has been the subject of for five and a half years, says Hjort. Anders Besseberg in an interview with news after the police action against him in April 2018. Photo: Yasmin Sunde Hoel / news – Unpleasant The prosecution accuses him of having accepted bribes in the form of prostitutes offered by Russians, exclusive watches and arranged hunting trips. A leasing car paid for by a company that procured marketing agreements is also part of the indictment. It has almost been six years since the police took action against Besseberg on 10 April 2018. Subsequently, various accusations against Besseberg became known to the outside world. Hjort says that the case is uncomfortable for the former biathlon leader. – It is clear that it is uncomfortable. It lies in the nature of these accusations, says Hjort to news. – Does he feel prejudged? – Yes, he does, says Hjort. Christian B. Hjort says that the case is unpleasant for Besseberg. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Besseberg stated in April 2018 that he resigned from his presidency due to the investigation against him. He later never returned as president of the International Biathlon Union after the police action against him. The trial will be the first time Besseberg has to explain himself concretely about the points in the indictment. Hjort believes it will be useful for everyone to hear Besseberg’s version of the matter and get his explanation. – It is the only real opportunity he has to retaliate rather than trying to answer all rumours, views and opinions that are otherwise referred to him through the press, says Hjort. – Will explain himself On Thursday morning, news published the case “The Hunt for the President”. There, several biathletes tell, among other things, about uncultured prostitution in biathlon during races in Russia. Several Norwegian biathlon women also tell how Besseberg was surrounded by young women at parties in Russia and that it became a topic of conversation in the team. And former Norwegian biathletes tell of how Besseberg showed them uninvited and told about gifts of watches from Russians. Through his lawyers, Besseberg has replied that he does not recognize himself in the description and disputes the allegations made against him in the news case. Anders Besseberg during the WC in Austria in 2017. Photo: BARBARA GINDL / AFP – He will explain himself about this type of relationship and this type of accusation as part of his party statement during the main hearing. I am referring to what he is going to explain there, says Besseberg’s lawyer Christian B. Hjort to news. But he emphasizes that Besseberg denies before the trial that he has accepted services from prostitutes at the behest of Russian government officials. Supporting the friend In Vestfossen, Kjell Hovda has been following the case in which one of his best friends is involved. – Everyone must understand that it is a “damn” stress that you cannot turn on the TV or read a newspaper without being hanged as a thug, when you yourself feel that you are not one, says Kjell Hovda to news. He says that the two have hunted together for 30 years and that they were also coaches together for the national team for several years. Now he talks about how stressful it has been for Besseberg that almost six years have passed since the police action in 2018 until he will appear in court in January. Kjell Hovda knows Anders Besseberg very well over several decades. He gives his friend support before the trial. Photo: Hans Henrik Bårtvedt/news – How do you feel that Anders Besseberg is handling this case? – I am very impressed with how Anders takes it. But he has the right method and that is not to follow the media. As he says, “I’ll let them hang on, and we’ll see what the trial brings.” I think that is the only way to survive this too, says Hovda. He refers to Besseberg as a person who does not care about expensive watches, nice clothes or expensive cars. – In any case, he is a very sober guy. He drove his old John Deere tractor 74 model without doors until it almost fell apart, even though he could afford to buy new equipment, says Hovda.
