Tell for the first time about a life of psychological and physical violence – news Culture and entertainment

There are only two years between them. They have almost the same name, with only one “a” as a difference. Abid and Abida. The starting point for their lives was quite similar. – But my life took a turn, says Abid Raja to news. – I have managed, and received help from so many people. She didn’t get that help. This is a book about a life in crisis and disaster. What she has gone through is terrible. I have deep respect for her daring to publish this book. On Tuesday, the book “Abida Raja. Frihetens augneblink” in which the sister of the well-known politician tells about how she must have lived a life of strong physical and psychological violence. It was VG who mentioned the case first. Abida is the reason why others get help Stenersens Forlag says that the author behind the book, Håkon F. Høydal, met Abida Raja for the first time in November 2015. The book project was planned the following year, and Høydal has conducted close to 50 interviews with her. – I want to tell how difficult it was for her to get help when she asked for it when she was young. And when she was grown up. When she was forced into marriage, she asked for help in advance, but did not get it. The frustration felt by those who helped her is part of the reason why help opportunities were developed afterwards. She is one of the reasons why others get help, says Høydal. Furthermore, he says that as an adult, Abida lived in a forced marriage from which she was unable to get out. – Then the emergency apparatus comes in, but not for her, only for the children. The aid that came after her helped the children, but not her. Her tragedy is that she has always fallen through several chairs. Abida is now out of the mentioned marriage, but the police have assessed that she is still living in a conflict situation, according to the publisher. news has tried to get hold of the father and ex-husband, who are mentioned in the book, without getting an answer. Another family member tells news that no one wants to comment for now. Publisher Cathrine Sandnes at JM Stenersens Forlag tells news that the book is about Abida’s life from the time she was born to the present day. Here you can read the text on the back of the book: “In the 1980s, Abida Raja grew up in the center of Oslo. She went to a Norwegian school, was a Norwegian citizen – but lived in a Pakistani family and knew no one. As the elder sister in one of Norway’s most famous Norwegian-Pakistani families, she has been silent about her life as a child, youth and adult. Now she finally dares to tell. This is the story of her separation from her parents and the husband she was married off to. It is the story of a mother who flees with her four children – without an education, a place to live or her own bank account – and tries to create her own life. “Abida Raja. Frihetens augneblink” gives a strong insight into the upbringing and life of a representative of today’s adult Norwegian-Pakistani women, those who were born in Norway, but did not become part of Norwegian society – and the struggle to decide for herself, who she should be allowed to love and a life in freedom.” Sandnes says that they expect different reactions from different environments. – First of all, she will probably be met with the fact that it is extremely important and brave. It is important to gain an insight into what life is like for a number of women in Norway today. I have too little knowledge about it. It is extremely good that someone is coming forward. She has always had strong support from parts of the family. There will probably also be quite clearly reactions to her coming forward. Sandnes adds that it is a shocking story, and says that Abida was born and raised in Norway. – With a degree of unfreedom on so many levels that I don’t think many people know about. We know very little about what their lives have been like at home. Abida knows that this still happens with younger girls. Photo: JM Stenersens Forlag History of all women who have suffered in silence Her brother, Abid Raja, says that the two have stood up for each other since they were little, and that he is very proud of her. – For me, it has been important to be there for her during the difficult phases of her life. In 2021, he published the book “My fault”, which received very good reviews and won the Bokhandler prize. But there was a heavy downside to the medal. He also experienced being ostracized by his family, hated by parts of the Pakistani community and having abusive words thrown at him in the open street. He says that he has used these experiences as best he can to prepare his sister for the consequences that may come from publishing such a book. – Well aware of all these things, she wants to publish the book, and I stand with her and give my full support. She is incredibly brave. This is her story, but it is also the story of all the hidden women we don’t hear from, who have similar experiences and have suffered in silence. – What does it mean to you to be able to stand in this together with him? – It is completely natural, she is my older sister and I am fond of her. As a former Minister for Equality, and after working on my own book, I understand a little of what he will now go through. She does not stand alone, she has a small support apparatus around her. I think that is important for him in general, but especially in this phase. Even though I have made her aware of all the psychological pressure that will appear, it is something completely different to actually experience it yourself, it happens so hard. Therefore, it is important that she knows that we stand together with her, she is not alone.
