Teenager stabbed at Holmlia library – Greater Oslo

– A short time ago a person met with the police, it is a person we have been looking for this evening, says head of crime in Oslo Håkon Johannessen. – He contacted the police on his own initiative? – Yes, through his lawyer. He has been formally charged and now arrested for this stabbing, says crime leader in Oslo Håkon Johannessen. It is said to be a minor boy who reported himself to the police in Oslo this evening after the incident at Holmlia. DEFENDER: Usama Ahmad has been appointed as the minor boy’s defender. Photo: NTB Usama Ahmad in Elden Advokatfirma has been appointed as his defender. – My client contacted me earlier this evening and I accompanied him to the police where he reported himself a short time ago, says Ahmad. Ahmad says that he has had preliminary talks with his client this evening, but that they have not gone into factual matters or questions about criminal guilt. – My main focus now is to look after a minor boy who is in custody with the police, and I am in dialogue with the police to clarify what will happen next tomorrow in terms of questioning, he says. 17-year-old boy stabbed The youth worker who was stabbed is a 17-year-old boy. The attack took place in the library’s youth department. The boy’s injuries are not life-threatening, and has been taken to hospital. The police do not yet know what the motive for the stabbing was. Targeted – The perpetrator has entered and targeted the person in question, carried out the act and left the scene, says the incident leader at the scene, Anders Rønning. The perpetrator must have had his face covered. ON THE SITE: Operations leader Anders Rønning Photo: Zhilwan Manbari / news The police say it appears that it is not a random stabbing, but that there is an underlying conflict. They are now investigating the history and background of the parties involved. In addition, they are investigating the scene, interviewing witnesses and collecting video material from the library and from buildings in the area. – This is a serious matter. There are both young people and children in the library when this happens. We look very seriously at this type of incident that happens so early in the evening on a Tuesday with so many children and young people at the scene, says Rønning. The police cannot rule out that there are more people involved, but say it seems as if one person is behind it. INVESTIGATOR: The police are on the scene with several patrols. Photo: Zhilwan Manbari / news – The very worst that can happen Communications director in Deichman, Jørn Johansen, says they must consider whether they will stay open for the next few days and whether they must tighten security. – In the first instance, it is about safeguarding life and health, and ensuring that those who were present are looked after in a proper way, and of course also the person who has been exposed to this. – Were there many people in the library when it happened? FOLLOWING UP: Director of Communications at Deichman Jørn Johansen Photo: Erik Thallaug / Deichman – There were several people present. He is horrified by what has happened. – The fact that violence is practiced in the library is the very, very worst thing for us. It is something we take very seriously, says Johansen. The city council will cooperate with the library City council for culture and industry in the capital, Anita Leirvik North, says it is too early to say anything about what the consequences of this situation may be, but that she will follow up and cooperate with the library. SAFE: The bi-libraries in Oslo must be, and are, safe. That’s what city councilor for culture and industry, Anita Leirvik North, says. Photo: Hallgeir Braastad / news – I now primarily want to have a good dialogue with Deichman further about what we can do, says North. She emphasizes that the libraries in Oslo are safe places. – Libraries must be safe, and I feel that they are. – But now there has been a stabbing of a 17-year-old boy in a library in Oslo today, where there were children and young people present. Is it safe then? – I still believe that it is safe to go to the library, says North.
