Teenage boy seriously injured – two minor boys arrested – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– We have arrested two people. There are two minor boys, says operations manager Arve Myklebust to news. At 00.30 the police received a report from both AMK and a number of emergency telephones about a serious incident of violence outdoors. – We drove to the scene and found a seriously injured boy who was taken by ambulance to the hospital, says incident leader Ole Strandhagen to news. Crime technician sets up police roadblocks. Photo: Anna Rut Tørressen / news The police searched for the perpetrators for a while before they arrested the two underage boys. At around 07:00 on Saturday morning, crime scene technicians arrived at the scene. Want to question witnesses The police have cordoned off the crime scene and are collecting witness information. Many people had arrived at the scene before the police. Police incident leader Ole Strandhagen Photo: Anna Rut Tørressen / news – We have a number of witnesses who we have spoken to and will have to question further. We try to take it gradually, says Strandhagen. Crime scene technicians are on their way to the scene. – The two arrested have been taken to the police station in Kristiansand where they will be examined. Then we’ll take it from there, says the task leader. The police have cordoned off the scene where a teenage boy is said to have been subjected to serious violence in Nodeland. Photo: Anna Rut Tørressen / news He says that there is currently nothing to suggest that there are more perpetrators than the two suspects, but that the police do not want to rule it out. The police currently do not want to say anything about what kind of injuries the victim has and what type of weapon may have been used.
