Technical problems and several thousand in line after registration for the humanities confirmation opened – NRK Vestland

Today, registration for the Human-Ethical Association’s confirmation opened. Just over 11 o’clock there were over 5800 people in line. – Last year, 1108 signed up on the first day, but there are already over 3000 registered so far today, says Secretary General of the Human-Ethical Association, Trond Enger, just before 11.30. Popular courses create queues But even though the queues are long, both on the phone and online, one should not be afraid of not getting a place, we must believe the Secretary General. – Everyone gets a place. We have never rejected anyone, he says. The explanation for why “everyone” will sign up on the first day, is that there are some courses and programs that are especially popular. There are limited places on them. – In addition, there are probably some moms and dads who have talked together, because it is important for their 14-year-olds to come on the same course, says Enger. Trond Enger, Secretary General of the Human-Ethical Association. Photo: Human-Ethical Association According to Enger, the online queuing system has generally worked well. But the influx on the phone became a bottleneck. There can only be a hundred people in the queue. – We had to call in extra people to pick up the phone. But also online, the progress became challenging, so that the queue was seen at a break. TECHNICAL PROBLEMS: Screenshot from the Facebook page of the Human-Ethical Association. Photo: Screenshot from Facebook There were still some technical problems online. “Even though we were foreshadowed, we were not foreshadowed by such enormous progress,” says Enger. He points out that the system works so that only certain people can get through at a time. A few have experienced that they drop out of the queue. – I just have to regret it. Hi, have you been queuing for a long time today? Or did you give up standing in line? Do you want to tell about your experience? Feel free to send me an email! Only for members In the first days, registration is only open to members. Only next week will registration open for everyone. This leads to an increase in the number of members in the association. The association has about one hundred thousand members. Before 12 o’clock today, 450 new people had arrived. In the last week, they have gained 1992 new members. – Our research shows that there are more people who think they are members of the Human-Ethical Association, than there are. We experience that many people use the opportunity to sign up, in addition to the fact that many have signed up in advance, says Enger. Becoming more popular According to the Human-Ethical Association, about 20% of the year group humanistic confirmation. Last year, they received 13,800 registrations. CONFIRMATION: The picture is from a previous humanistic confirmation in Oslo City Hall. Photo: Marianne Løvland / NTB – This is a very exciting day. We are happy that our confirmation offer is so popular, says Enger. He is excited about how much the membership will increase. How many members they have is crucial to the state support they receive. – We depend on the support to be able to offer confirmations throughout the country and give courses to anyone who wants to. FRONT OF THE QUEUE: The screenshot is taken at 13.15, after just over two hours in the queue.
