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For several years there has been an ice front between the IBA and the IOC. The former was suspended by the IOC in 2019 on the basis of financial challenges, ethical problems, corruption debts and a lack of trust in the leadership of the association. Now the IBA is officially out of the Olympic Games, after the IOC adopted the exclusion at an extraordinary congress last week, with 69 votes in favor and one (Russia) against. This causes the association to draw a dramatic parallel. – The IOC has made a huge mistake by withdrawing its recognition of the IBA, and revealed their true politicized nature. It is startling that precisely on this day, 82 years ago, fascist Germany launched an attack on the peaceful citizens of the Soviet Union, which resulted in an escalation of the war and a devastating human tragedy, the IBA wrote in a statement last week . news’s ​​sports commentator Jan Petter Saltvedt thinks it is an absurd comparison. – That the entire official communiqué of the IBA starts by drawing such an absurd historical line illustrates two things. First and foremost, a total lack of will to comply with the IOC’s requirements for Olympic participation. But it is also an expression of Russian control over the association. SPORTS COMMENTATOR: Jan Petter Saltvedt. Photo: Lars Thomas Nordby / news – It appears to be an open attempt to divert attention from what this case is actually about, namely that this is a union steeped in democratic deficit and uncultured, without a real will to change from those who could do something about it. Too many enjoy the benefits of the system as it is today – and have therefore trained the entire process towards the IOC for the past four years, Saltvedt believes. IBA PRESIDENT: Russian Umar Kremlev has led the IBA since 2020. Photo: Reuters – Now both the silk gloves and boxing gloves of news’s ​​boxing expert Anders Wernes Øfsti, who works as a journalist in news Trøndelag, are also seen in the comparison between the IOC decision and The Nazi invasion known as Operation Barbarossa. – It’s completely insane. Is it possible? The argument of IBA president Umar Kremlev with the invasion of the Soviet Union during the Second World War does not belong at that level here. He is playing on the fact that Thomas Bach is German, and here it goes beyond Russia, says Øfsti in frustration. EXPERT: Anders Wernes Øfsti. – Now both the silk gloves and the boxing gloves are off and it’s a fight on dry hands. IBA strikes in all possible directions, the expert believes. The president of the Norwegian Boxing Association, Odd Haktor Slåke, doesn’t have much to spare for the IBA’s rhetoric either: – It’s all over the night. That’s the kind of comparison they like to make. They also owe Ukraine for being Nazis. This says something about the board of directors in IBA. Boxing has been left out of the Summer Games after 2028 due to the conflict. A newly started international boxing federation is now working to be recognized by the IOC. – Catastrophic for global boxing It is the first time in Olympic history that a special association has been excluded by the IOC. The decision was taken on the basis of an IOC report which has assessed how the IBA has followed up on the demand from the IOC to improve. – Based on the report that has now been presented, the IOC has done a thorough and not least patient piece of work, in the attempt to achieve a future collaboration with the IBA, especially towards the Olympics in 2028. When they are so openly opposed, exclusion is ultimately the only possible consequence, says Saltvedt. – In summary, this means the nail in the coffin for IBA. I can’t see it any other way, says boxing president Slåke. Øfsti agreed. – I think IBA has a problem now. I can’t see how they will be able to continue, says the boxing expert. The IBA believes they have investigated the problem that led to the suspension from the IOC, and they blame former leader Wu Ching-kuo for the IBA’s collapse. They write that they have submitted reports to the IOC, and ask a number of questions to IOC president Thomas Bach about everything from political influence to the absence of communication and the hall of Olympic medals. FORMER PRESIDENT: Wu Ching-kuo has also been an IOC member. Photo: Ap – IBA has not been a model student. Wu kept running it completely in the ditch purely financially, but it was more open under Wu. The quarrel between the IOC and the IBA is everything from economics to democracy. Russian Kremlev, who has close ties to Putin, was not elected in the usual way – he had no opposing candidates when he was elected president of the IBA, Øfsti explains and adds: – Kremlev is not known to be a great rhetorician either. Among other things, he has said about his predecessor Wu that people like him should be taken out and shot. news has asked the IOC about the criticism from the IBA. The IOC refers to its decision and writes that they have nothing to add. news has also sent several questions to IBA without receiving an answer. Tanks for Paris Russian and Belarusian participation in the Olympics in Paris 2024 has been hotly debated recently. Last week, the Council of Europe voted for Linda Hofstad Helleland’s proposal to ask the IOC to exclude Russian and Belarusian athletes as long as the war in Ukraine continues. One exception that is proposed is to include athletes who have fled their homeland and take a clear distance from the war. IOC President Thomas Bach has clearly expressed that he wants inclusion, something several nations and confederations have been critical of. On the same day that the IBA was excluded from the IOC, Bach criticized Ukraine for not allowing its athletes to compete against Russians and Belarusians. But so far the IOC has not decided whether Russian and Belarusian athletes will be allowed to participate in the Olympics. It creates strong reactions in Russia. Russian wrestling president Mikhail Mamiashvili has come out hard against the IOC. – If they want to see us in the Olympics in 2024 as a refugee team, we have to go to Paris in tanks, said the Russian wrestling president. PUTIN-FRIEND: Mikhail Mamiashvili (second from left) and Vladimir Putin (right). Photo: Afp
