Teacher sentenced for sending topless photos to his own students – news Vestland

The case in summary • A female teacher in Hordaland has been sentenced to 60 days in unconditional prison for sending sexualized images and videos to four of her students.• She also tried to bribe and threaten one of the students to get him to keep quiet.• The woman has constantly denied guilt and claimed that she was hacked, which the court rejects.• In addition to the prison sentence, the woman must pay NOK 10,000 in compensation to one of the students and NOK 5,000 in court costs.• The woman’s phone will also be confiscated.• The prosecution requested ten months in prison, but reduced this to eight months due to the long processing time. Hordaland District Court, on the other hand, believes that 60 days is a more appropriate punishment. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – My client is very disappointed with the verdict and it will be appealed, says the woman’s defender, Anette Vangsnes Askevold, to news. On 10 June, the trial against a female teacher started in Hordaland district court. She was accused of sending sexualized photos and videos of herself on Snapchat to four of her own students. The woman in her 30s was topless, or danced scantily clad in the videos, which were taken from, among other things, a bed, a bathroom and a solarium. The boys were between 13 and 14 years old when, according to the indictment, they were sent photos and videos during the 2021-2022 Christmas holidays. According to the indictment, the teacher then tried to bribe and later threaten one of the students to get him to keep quiet. – When she said that, I got scared and blocked her on Snapchat. It was very disgusting to be at school and have her as a teacher then. I didn’t want to come to school anymore, said the boy in arranged interviews. – Irresponsible adult The woman was employed at a secondary school in the Bergen area, and has always denied guilt. Today came the verdict. Hordaland District Court finds the woman guilty of having sent sexualized videos and pictures to her own pupils. In the judgment, the District Court writes that “the defendant’s behavior strongly suggests that she has had problems being a responsible adult in contact with teenage boys”. Furthermore, the district court points out that her irresponsibility in contact with the boys makes it more credible that the teacher sent the sexualized videos and later tried to bribe and threaten her into silence. Lawyer Cecilie Wallevik represents three of the offended boys. Photo: Oskar Rennedal / news – Important to be believed Lawyers Cecilie Wallevik and Erik Johan Mjelde represent the four boys. – It is a correct judgment, where the most important thing is that the boys have been believed. The whole thing has been a big burden for them, says aid lawyer Wallevik to news. Colleague Mjelde wholeheartedly supports that. – The boys are happy that she has been convicted. The alternative would have been that her accusations against them had been believed. The boys are convinced that it is the teacher who sent this and it was important, says aid lawyer Mjelde to news. The fact that the sentence was lower than the prosecution had requested is not the focus, emphasizes Mjelde: – The sentencing itself is not that important for the boys. They just want to put the matter behind them. It is therefore of course sad that the boys may not be able to because of the appeal. – The best thing for the aggrieved parties is clearly if they avoid a new legal process and that the verdict is upheld, Wallevik adds. Erik Johan Mjelde is a legal aid lawyer for one of the victims. In court, he also pointed out how unfortunate it was that the boys themselves were suspected. Photo: news The woman’s accusations of hacking were dismissed The woman admits to having sent and sold sexualized videos and images, including on OnlyFans. She believes that she was hacked and that the photos and videos therefore went astray, which she believes explains how they ended up on the students’ phones. This is dismissed by the police, who believe it is unlikely that the woman could have been hacked in the relevant time period. In court, special investigator Rune Kenneth Bauge showed that the IP address on the woman’s mobile phone was associated with her home, and that it must therefore have been the woman who logged in on her own mobile phone. Hordaland district court highlights the boys’ credibility as a weighty factor for the woman to be found guilty, and points out that the boys’ explanation is largely supported by technical evidence. The court therefore believes that the woman’s explanation is not credible. Asked for eight months’ imprisonment Police attorney and prosecutor Eli Valheim asked the court for ten months’ imprisonment for the woman, but reduced this to eight months due to the long processing time. Hordaland District Court believes that 60 days is a more appropriate punishment. Valheim also requested that the woman’s phone be confiscated and that she be ordered to pay compensation to the offended students. Prosecutor Eli Valheim asked the court for eight months in prison for the woman. Photo: Oskar Rennedal / news The court agrees with Valheim. The woman’s phone is confiscated and she must pay NOK 10,000 to one of the students, and NOK 5,000 in court costs. Hi! Do you have any tips for this, or other matters? Please send me an e-mail: [email protected] Published 26.06.2024, at 13.04 Updated 26.06.2024, at 16.22
